Notify users on Album creation / update ?

Hi there,

I use Zenphoto as a family album for family and friend across the world, and it does an excellent job ! There is just one thing that I could not figure out : is there a way to allow my registered users to subscribe to some events such as:
* Album creation
* Photo added to an album
* Comment added on a photo
* ...

I did a bit of googling, but without much success.

I know about the RSS capabilities, but most of them will prefer an email, as they are not really familiar with RSS.

Thanks for a very good product, and keep up the hard work !


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, we don't have any mail notification. RSS is the only thing we provide and IMHO the modern way to do this. Any modern mail program like Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail has the capability to display RSS feeds. It even does not really look different like mails in these. Just takes a little "education"..;-)

    The benefit of RSS over mail is that you don't need to subscribe ("give your address away") and are therefore anonymous.

    We have a user mailing list tool (Overview page on the admin, it's a plugin you need to enable) that you can use for this purpose but you have to it manually.
  • There is also a plugin that can be set to "Tweet" newly published items.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I doubt that Twitter is better suited if RSS is already "too modern"…;-)
  • Yeah, you're probably right :) OK, I'll try to convince them on RSS !

    Thanks for the answer !
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