I've got a very powerful server, 8 Core, with 8GB of RAM and 1GB of that for PHP.
The Gallery itself loads very quickly.
http://spoilertv.co.uk/images/However, if I click on the Admin Toolbox, and select Edit Album it takes 40+ seconds to load the Edit Album screen.
I've tested this on a very small subalbum here
http://spoilertv.co.uk/images/index.php?album=episodesIt has 1 sub-album which currently has just 6 images.
Surely something is going wrong here?
Here is a screenshot of my Version/Memory/Sql etc
http://i52.tinypic.com/erls9v.pngAny helps/advice?
NOTE: I gone through the Docs here but could not see anything that would affect the admin being so so slow.
I have 6 Plugins
hitcounter v1.4.1
security-logger v1.4.1
zenFBcommon v1.4.0.2 [6701]
zenphoto_news v1.4.1
zenphoto_sendmail v1.4.1
zenphoto_seo v1.4.1
And these filters
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminGate
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_log_action
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminLoginLogger
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminAlbumGate
0: zenphoto_news.php => printNews
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_admin_XSRF_access
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_federatedLoginLogger
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_guestLoginLogger
1: hitcounter.php => hitcounter_load_script
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_log_setup
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_UserSave
5: zenphoto_sendmail.php => zenphoto_sendmail
5: zenphoto_seo.php => filterAccentedCharacters
5: zenphoto_seo.php => filterAccentedCharacters_js
1: zenFBcommon.php => zenFBcommonJS
1: zenFBcommon.php => zenFBOpenGraphJS
The Overall Gallery has these stats
65825 Images
5739 Albums
Note if you really use that Zenphoto version that is not secure and you should at least upgrade to (unless you did the fix manually)
I'm running Zenphoto version [8326] (Official Build)
I always wait a few weeks before upgrading to the latest version.
My "gut" feel is that it has something to do with "Tags"
When I eventually load the Edit Album. I notice the tag list shows tags from outside this Album. This leads me to suspect that it has to collect all the tags from all images first?
Is there a way to disable Tags totally. We don't use them at all and they are hidden in the theme. Basically can we stop Zen even trying to look for them?
The edit pages of any item features actually a list of all tags so you can easily assign them via the checkbox lists. Of course if you have lots of tags that might take some time.
The only way to disable tags is to delete them all I fear.
What often may slow down is also loading of the TinyMCE editor especially if fully featured.
I've just upgraded to Zenphoto version [9138] (Official Build)
Where is the TInyMCE Editor? I don't think I use that. How can I check?
I don't have tags but they seem to appear automatically.
It is an plugin though so you can disable it.
Upgrading to the latest version has brought the load time down to 20 seconds it still seems like that is way too long for an album with 6 images.
The album is set to display as single image as the thumbnail as opposed to Random etc.
I still could not find out how to stop the tags being generated?
So I guess it was not that
I really don't think it's our SQL Server. Everything else on the server is lightening fast. The actual Gallery is very quick as you can see, as is our Forum.
The only thing that is slow is the Edit Albums. All other Admin functions are very quick.
I really don't understand what the system is doing for those 20 seconds on an album with just 6 images?
All the images are cached so I'm out of ideas what could be taking so long.
Are there any debug lines I could add so that I can see the queries that are being generated?
If you can think of anything else that might be causing the massive slowness I'd be very grateful.
I assume we don't need to re-index the SQL tables after an upgraded etc?
I'm just stumped.
We have a lot of albums.
Could this be the reason?
Regards reindexing, I do not see what an upgrade would do to invalidate the index, but give it a try, can't hurt.
Any workarounds?
We don't actually need the move function on the albums. Can we disable it?
Thank you for your help.
Edit now loads in less than a second