Error 500 sorting Albums Manually.

I am having a problem with when I sort the albums manually and click apply.

It is a New install so I removed all albums and created 2 new ones, altered the order and clicked apply - Error 500.

There are no pictures in any of the albums (or the site for that fact).

Any suggestions how to fix this please?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Probably a permissions issue. If you drag albums to sub levels the actual folders would be moved. Re-run setup and tell what it reports.
  • Hi Acrylian,
    there are no sub albums just 2 top level.

    As a point of not we are running version [8326] (Official Build) on another clients and we do not have the issue.

    As requested I ran setup again and below is a copy of what it reports.


    Welcome to Zenphoto! This page will set up Zenphoto on your web server.

    Systems Check:
    Updating current Zenphoto release
    PHP version 5.2.9
    Version 5.0.0 or greater is required. Version 5.3 or greater is strongly recommended. Use earlier versions at your own risk.

    Log security
    PHP Register Globals
    PHP Safe Mode
    PHP magic_quotes_gpc
    PHP magic_quotes_runtime
    PHP magic_quotes_sybase
    PHP gettext() support [is not present]
    Localization of Zenphoto requires native PHP gettext() support

    PHP mbstring package
    Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    zenphoto.cfg file
    File/Folder Permissions [are strict (0755)] Notice! click for details

    The Zenphoto filesystem character define is UTF?8 [confirmed]
    Image URIs appear to require the UTF-8 character set.
    PHP MySQL support for configured Database
    PHP PDO_MySQL support
    Database setup in configuration file
    MySql version 5.5.18
    SQL mode
    Database access rights
    SHOW TABLES found: zenphoto_admin_to_object, zenphoto_administrators, zenphoto_albums, zenphoto_captcha, zenphoto_comments, zenphoto_images, zenphoto_menu, zenphoto_news, zenphoto_news2cat, zenphoto_news_categories, zenphoto_obj_to_tag, zenphoto_options, zenphoto_pages, zenphoto_plugin_storage, zenphoto_search_cache, zenphoto_tags
    Database field collations
    Zenphoto core files
    Zenphoto core file permissions
    .htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
    .htaccess RewriteBase is /zenphoto
    robots.txt file [Not created] Notice! click for details
    Setup did not create a robots.txt file because one already exists.

    albums folder
    cache folder
    locale folders
    uploaded folder
    zp-data folder
    HTML cache folder (cache_html)
    Third party plugins folder (plugins)
    Database tables to update: zenphoto_options, zenphoto_albums, zenphoto_images, zenphoto_comments, zenphoto_administrators, zenphoto_admin_to_object, zenphoto_tags, zenphoto_obj_to_tag, zenphoto_captcha, zenphoto_pages, zenphoto_news2cat, zenphoto_news_categories, zenphoto_news, zenphoto_menu, zenphoto_plugin_storage, zenphoto_search_cache

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I have no idea right now. You will need to find out what is different with that install if it works on others. Maybe check the htaccess file (although the backend does not use mod rewrite at all).

    Just a note: To escape code bb code does not work, use standard html `` or back ticks.
  • Upadte.

    The hosting company has Zenphoto as one of their offered installs. They have had a look at the permissions on my install and they say they look OK.

    They have escalated it up to the Second line support. If anything comes of it I will update this thread, otherwise I will be removing the Install and trying their install which will no doubt be an older version.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, if this issue is cause by their installer they need to solve. We don't recommend or support to use such installers. (See our installation page).
  • The installer I used was the one downloaded from this Website.

    Just as check though I did try installing using the hosting sites installer and it has the same error so I am awaiting feedback from them unless anyone on here is forthecoming with a solution.

  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Ehm...Zenphoto does not have an installer.

    Did you use FTP to upload the files and then ran setup as described here?
  • Hi Yes,

    setup.php was what I was refering to.

  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    You could try to sun setup again and set loose permissions. Some servers have problems with strict permissions.
  • Hi fretzl,

    I did try setting the permissions to the lowest, no joy though.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are there other errors in the server log?
  • Checked the only logs that I have access to and there were no errors in them.

    There is a cgierror.log and a web.log, both show no errors.

    I checked the Debug log in ZenPhoto and there are no errors in there.

    I have as yet had no reply to the Support Ticket from the hosting Site.

  • Please try the nightly build. Another user has reported an error with manual sorting. That error *should* have shown up in you logs. Maybe a topic for discussion with your provider. Anyway the error is fixed in last nights' build.
  • Hi,
    I have just applied the Nightly build to the sight and I am no longer getting the 500 error.

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