Problem with sitemap extension


I have used the sitemap extension 1 week ago and everything went ok. Now I have cleared the sitemap cache, and try to build a new sitemap. But it does not work : the admin page remains blank (`/zp-core/zp-extensions/sitemap-extended/sitemap-extended-admin.php?generatesitemaps&number=1`), and no file appear in the cache/sitemap folder.
I have changed nothing but to add an album and some photos .
Does anyone has the same problem ?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please look in your server error log for errors and post them here.
  • Thank you for your answer, but there is no error related to my site in the Apache log... I am still searching for the cause of this problem, and trys to revert the different extensions to the previous state.
    When I try to generate sitemap, I dont get a blank page, but a page with no body.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not the apache log, the php error log I mean. If you get a blank page there must be some sort of php error. Did you look in the source of that broken page?
  • The last error in the php log in the admin part was on the 26th of January.
    But I solved the problem : I switched off the option `mod_rewrite` and the sitemap was properly generated. Then I switched on again `mod_rewrite`, and the sitemap got generated also ! I can now purge and generate sitemap with `mod_rewrite` activated. Strange ?!?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Indeed strange. We will try to reproduce this. It should generally work with and without mod rewrite (if your server has that naturally).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I can reproduce it, somehow this broke unnoticed. We will look into this.

    Fix will be in tonight's nightly. It was a problem with dynamic albums that caused a memory overload. At least that is what I saw. Please give it a try.
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