Central Europe characters in Tags are lost in zpArdoise


I am new to ZenPhoto and I am just trying to figure out how it works. It is a great product, that I use as bundled within the offer of my hosting provider. I use zpArdoise as a theme.

Problem: When I upload my photos to my album, I lose all the accented characters in the labels (as they are called in IDimager), or tags (as they are called in ZenPhoto). I am from Central Europe and my tags originally have characters with accents and cedillas, that are perfectly visible in IDImager, using UTF-8 encoding. They are transformed into strings of 2-3 non-literal characters the moment they are uploaded on ZPhoto.

Is there any way to prevent this behaviour? I have set UTF-8 in ZenPhoto, but it does not work. I have tried all the variant of Central / Eastern European encodings in ICTP, but to no avail.

Problem 2: Once uploaded, the tags lose their capitals.

Problem 3: My original labels often consist of 2 or 3 words, and can be used for searches that way in IDImager. But in ZenPhoto they no longer work that way. It seems that I need to use _underscore_ to link 2-3 words in a phrase.

Is there any workaround these problems? A plugin maybe..?




  • Probably the character set of your images is not properly discovered by Zenphoto. (Unfortunately, most software do not mark the character set in the IPTC data or do not mark it properly.)

    So you will need to set the option in zenphoto for IPTC encoding to whatever is the correct value. Unfortunately, you will have to figure out what that value is. It might be Centeral European ISO, it might be UTF-8, or maybe something entirely different.

    There is an option in search on how spaces should be treated in the search itself. If these individua tags are not three word strings you would have to make them that way as individual tags are, well, individual.
  • Thank you very much SBillard! Appreciate a lot your willingness to help.

    Im the meanwhile I figured out --by means of trial and error-- a solution. After I read somewhere on this forum that the PlugIn ZenPhoto SEO is removing the accents off the accented characters, I thought that this plugin might actually be the culprit. So I have disabled it, and then I uploaded a photo and --surprise!-- not the Eastern European Characters show perfectly!

    The program I use for taggin (IDIMager uses UTF-8, and so is my setting on ZenP, so here's how they nicely match!)

    I will look into the treatment of spaces in Search, as you suggest.

    One single problem still exists: Some capitals get lost upon uploading, and I do not see the raseon or pattern why? Any idea?
  • tags are case insensitive. At present the ones from metadata are stored in lower case.
  • I figured out a solution for the lowercase to UPPERCASE conversion of the tags. If, for instance, in ZenPhoto my uppercase tag "Croatia" has become lowercase "croatia", then I use the Tag Replace function (in Tag Management) to replace "croatia" with "Croatia".

    Now, next time I upload some photos with the "Croatia" tag, it seems like ZenPhoto "has learned" my preference and it will automatically keep "Croatia" with capital C. Nice feature. Good to know!

    On the other hand, as concerns the multi-word tags (say, "Adriatic Sea"), I tried to fiddle with the Search function, tweaking both (1) Tags ==> exact, and (2)Treat spaces as ==> space / AND / OR. None of these combinations works satisfactorily. That is, whatever combination I try, I cannot get an exact match for "Adriatc Sea". The search fuction always revelas nothin.

    Is there anything else I should try?

    At this point the only workaround to the multi-word tag problem is that I manually change those spaces between words into _underscores_. If I do this once, then ZenPhoto again seems to "learn my preference" and will replace the space with underscore upon my subsequent uploads.

    But underscores are so ugly! I would still like to keep the spaces AND get the search functionality! Is that impossible?
  • What does work for me is setting treat spaces as => space. You should see if putting the string in quotes when you search works. If that does not, then maybe something else is wrong.
  • Note: in the nightly builds we have made an update so that tags from metadata do not get their case changed.

    Try enabling the tag suggest plugin. Also maybe give us a link to take a look.
  • Thnaks, sbillard.

    I haven't answered to your post as I had trouble figuring the navigation in this forum. Kept looking for an "older post" button!

    Not sure what you mean by "the nightly builds" though. Is this some update of the ZenPhoto package? Like a new version..? Do I need to update my installation?

    (Sorry for all these elementary questions, but, as I've said, I'n new to all this...)

    I think I did not explain my problem clearly enough. So:

    Running a regular search --I mean form the search field-- poses no problems. I mean, whether I use just one of the words from a multi-word tag, or all of them (of course, written between quotation marks), I get the right results. My settings in Search are "exact match" and "treat space as space".

    BUT, on the other hand,
    Clicking on a TAG beneath the image (or in the "cloud" on the title page) works ONLY with one-word tags. It does NOT work at all with multiple-word tags. This is the problem.

    I thought my visitors will feel more inclined to click on the tags rather than manually enter a search.

    So, my question is if there might be any other setting, besides those in Search ("exact", and "space"), that might enable correct searches triggered by clicking these multi-word tags.

    You may check my gallery at otoiu.com/foto

    P.S. Sorry for having created a duplicate of this question. As I said, I could not figure where this thread had gone.
  • As far as I can guess, it all boils down to some syntax error. Compare:

    A Search by clicking the Tag returns the following message :

    0 Hits for "\\\"strada sforii\\\""
    Sorry, no matches found. Try refining your search.

    A Search by entering info (with Tag Suggest enabled) returns:

    1 Hit for "strada sforii"

    Note that the Tag Suggest feature puts the expression between "grave accents" (character code 0060) and not real apostrophes (char code 09027), like this:
    `strada sforii`,
    ...and also adds a comma after.

    So basically, clicking on a multi-word tag seems to initiate a different string of search characters.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I haven't answered to your post as I had trouble figuring the navigation in this forum. Kept looking for an "older post" button!
    Sorry, I have to admit I don't understand what problem you had. You see all your posts within your profile and the are all listed by latest activity. You should also be able to create favorites of topics.

    You find the nighty builds on our download page. Trunk nightly builds are the builds that get the fixes for to become sometime later (the dev one is 1.4.3 in development).

    So please try trunk nightly.
  • Since doing the search directly works and clicking on the tag does not most likely there is a problem with the link generated for the tag cloud.

    There have been some issues fixed having to do with quoted tags. You should try the nightly build. If that still fails perhaps a link to your tag cloud page may help us diagnose.
  • My home page with the cloud tag is --as I have mentioned earlier--

    The theme I am using, zpArdoise, also puts tags on every image page.

    I hope this helps.

    And thanks for the helping hand !
  • I believe this is the same issue that is fixed in tonight's nightly build.
  • Thanks a lot, sbillard!

    Can you give me a direction to a tutorial explaining how am I to update my ZenPhoto instalaltion with the nightly build..?
  • The process is the same as a normal install/upgrade. But you use the files from the nightly build as your starting point. Download the nightly build. Expand out the files, FTP them to your zenphoto installation and run setup.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have added a sentence about nighties to the upgrade part of the install page.
  • Thank you very much, Acrylian & SBillard, for your efforts of making ZenPhoto a finer and frendlier place :-)

    Well, I think I have an idea of how the process works, I have tried several times to install the Nightly Builds. But... I still get stuck in the process.

    SBillard, when you say "run Setup", you mean to run it from within the ZenPhoto installation & update interface, right?

    The problem is mine does not seem to recognize that I had FTP-ed the nightly build in ZenPhoto. I do not see any mention of a new version or anything similar. So, when I run Update, I am told "there is no need to update your installation".

    I can suppose two possible reasons for this:

    1. I might not FTP-ing the nighlty build at the right location. After unzipping, I FTP the contents of the ZenPhoto folder into my installation of ZenPhoto, thus making the new folders crash the old ones.

    Wrong procedure? Should I keep the ZenPhoto folder as it results from the unzipping and install it as such?

    2. My ZenPhoto came as a bundle within a webhosting package. So I am not a subscriber of ZenPhoto directly, but indirectly through this webhost (which is one of the best, BTW).

    I am not sure however if I have the latest builds.
    On my current installation I have:
    Zenphoto version [8326] (Official Build)
    Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8 1.4 (July 2011)
    Current gallery theme: zpArdoise
    PHP version: 5.2.17

    This version, is the highest version offered by my host.

    This is why I am not using the latest version of the zpArdoise theme.

    So: am I downloading the nigltly build at the wrong place, or am I limited by my host from having the latest varsion? Or both?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1) Setup: That is the script that runs if you install or on upgrade. It is found in /zp-core/setup.php. After an install it is deleted so you need to reupload it.
    What to upload and what to keep is described here:

    2) Well, sorry as mentioned on top of the install page and on the forum rules we cannot help with any third party install scripts.
  • @Acrylian, thank you again! You are incredibly prompt and helpful.

    1. So, it seems I was not doing the right thing. I had looked for that Setup.php file in vain, and then assumed (wrongly, as it results) that this was the same as trying an update from withing my ZP interface at my host.

    2. Well, I can see that. Mine is a paid web-host, so I assume that some of my money reaches ZP in the long run.

    Thanks again and have a nice weekend!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. Well, Zenphoto itself has nothing to do with the installer script on your web host. I imagine that there are several other CMS you can install via that as well.

    Mine is a paid web-host, so I assume that some of my money reaches ZP in the long run.
    Not sure what you mean. We of course don't see any of the money you pay your host. Unless they donate to us (which I doubt).
  • 1. I see.

    2. Well, I had assumed that ZenPhoto is some kind of franchise, and that those offering it as part of their hosting package must pay at least the intelectual rights, or some royalties to the makers of ZenPhoto. Shall I gather that your effor is open socurce?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, Zenphoto is open source (GPL v2).
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