quotes in meta description

When the meta description gets built from calling apply_filter("theme_head") quotes are not stripped out of the string. I tried this both with the theme I am using as well as the zenpage theme with the same results.

I a using Zenphoto version [9180]

One the documentation page

it says "before the <head>" instead of after.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Do you use the html_meta_tags plugin?
  • :facepalm:
    You nailed it acrylian thanks. I had forgotten that was where that was coming from.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I did take a look at it uses always strings with strip_tags only. There is no encoding indeed which probably should be there for the meta description.
  • Thanks for the note on the documentation. That should be fixed now. (But give the cache a chance to refresh.)
  • You're welcome. I appreciate the feedback when I have an issue.
    I sorted this out by changing the way that the zpMinimal theme was building the description meta tag and not using the stuff from the plugin.
    I was finding too much extra junk from my articles (pastes from email line endings in particular and extra spaces). Because of this the og:description for the fb like button was severely shortened. Getting the description meta tag cleaned up sorted out the problem and got nice long descriptions on fb.

    If you made changes to the plugin though I'd be glad to test it.
    I probably went a bit overkill with mine but it seems to work nicely now.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have not yet made any changes to the plugin. It does not support Facebook or else specific meta tags at all, btw.
  • Not directly but in a way it does indirectly. When Facebook scrapes the page it creates the og:description tag from the meta description. So cleaning up the way the description tag is built allows for better text to be attached to the like share. I create the other tags myself but for some reason I can't create og:description without an error. Because I this I took efforts to get a good clean description tag built from the text of the article without all the excess that was shortening the tag.
    But this has nothing to do with zenphoto and is just friendly banter at this point. You can see the results from any of the news articles from my sowearedads.com/news.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, ok, I am not using FB so I though the open graph one must be there so that works.
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