Custom page and features help require

I want to make a simple out of zp page where in i can pull some of the information from my site.

Say i have a simple small layout and i wanted to design it like


Recent Uploaded Image
Title Of Image
000 x 000 pixel sized Image (href on the website image page)

Small 5/7 square thumbnails under the image takes you back to the actual zp website image page.

This html i wanted specially for putting on facebook.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


  • Also i would not be using that custom page on my ZP website as it would be just for fb fan page.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you don't want to use an iFrame or something similar "ugly" you need to try this:

    Not sure if that would work within a FB fan page though.
  • Thanks acrylian,

    well i've seen this url you gave, somehow it appears to be completely programming side so no clues how one can do that but say if i want to fetch the Lates Image sized in simple html say a DIV.

    Then the image's Title and description which is in div

    Then at bottom 5 thums in column square and two raw from latest uploaded images in zp.

    clicking on thumb DIV image sized displayes there and on clicking of DIV image it takes back to ZP.

    i think if we can do this fb integration of page woudl be so easy.

    can anyone help me do this please ?

    i'll make a drawing of page and put the link here a while to get idea what exactly i am talking about.

    thanks and regards
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, FB is a pretty closed environment (just like another CMS) so this "plugin way" would be the only way to try that.

    The only other option would be to use one of Zenphoto's rss feeds and put that out. BUt you will of course use what it provides, there are no further options. That again will need some coding so it works within FB. I could imagine that there is an FB app for this (I know about RSS Graffiti which can post RSS feeds directly to the wall).
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