All of a sudden, I'm seeing these messages in my log. It doesn't happen everywhere and all the time, but now it happens so frequently that the site is not possible to browse.
Today I upgraded to the latest version of zenPhoto ( and zpGallerific (for the correct version of zP) thinking the problem might go away. But it didn't.
These are the two errors I'm seeing in the logs:
[Mon Feb 20 16:58:47 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice: zenJavascript (called from header.php line 40) is deprecated Use zp_apply_filter("theme_head").You can disable this error message by going to the
deprecated-functions plugin options and un-checking
zenJavascript in the list of functions. in /srv/www/ on line 71, referer:[Mon Feb 20 17:05:19 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'Unable to annotate image' in /srv/www/\nStack trace:\n#0 /srv/www/ Imagick->annotateimage(Object(ImagickDraw), 1, 3, 0, 'x')\n#1 /srv/www/ zp_writeString(Object(Imagick), Object(ImagickDraw), 1, 1, 'x', Object(ImagickPixel))\n#2 {main}\n thrown in /srv/www/ on line 610, referer:
[Mon Feb 20 17:23:54 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: chdir(): Permission denied (errno 13) in /srv/www/ on line 75, referer:
I have no idea for the 2nd error.
Generator: zenphoto
Length: 6
Allowed characters: a-z2-9A-Z, etc (default)
Captcha font: system
(and it's displaying a proper captcha in the settings screen)
[Mon Feb 20 21:52:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: require_once(/srv/www/ failed to open stream: Success in /srv/www/ on line 26, referer:
[Mon Feb 20 21:52:01 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/srv/www/' (include_path='.') in /srv/www/ on line 26, referer:
Is something not quite right here .. ?
The CAPTCHA settings look correct to me, and from the error you first posted, the code looks fine as well. It should be working as-is, but it's simply not if you're still seeing this errors. You really should get in contact with your host to find if anything has changed around the time these errors first began appearing.
If I trace the code, some functions are behaving in a really weird manner, and the resulting variables are indeed empty; Apache's (PHP's) error messages are correct ...
And now I cannot get into the admin interface anymore due to these fatal PHP errors.
So basically something had got corrupted. If ZP files could get corrupted I presume the Imagick server files could as well. Maybe your host should re-load them.
There are also some things that can slow down the backend and front like random thumbs or the visual album thumb selector.
Something is really weird, I agree, but I don't know what it is. If I re-enable the use of Imagick, it happens immediately. If I disable it, the problem goes away. I have root access to the server.
I hadn't heard of this before, since I run on a shared host and not a VPS. I'd be very interested to hear if recompiling ImageMagick with that switch to disable openmp helps performance.