I have tried and checked the forums and google and can't find a way to configure mailing for zenphoto.
After the installation I setup the admin user and a few options like the private server option (meaning that only registered users can access it and I left only the registration page visible to the public - from zenphoto options-). I went on the app and saw no way to register a new account - activated the plugin "register_user" and then advanced a bit more and saw it wasn't sending mails. So I looked on the forums and saw I needed more plugins, so I activated PHPMailer. My objective was to configure my gmail address for sending mails at user registration, comments, etc.
Configured the plugin for smtp according to the google instructions here:
http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=13287 but I keep hitting a wall when trying to register a new user: "PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host."
I checked and double checked all settings but still don't know what's wrong.
A quick recap:
1.objective - have a zenphotos app that allows private users to be created and only those can access the albums within
2.in order for these users to register I need a mail server that can send them mails
3.my install is on a clean linux server with apache, mysql, php and that is all
4.installed two plugins - register_user and PHPMailer, configured both
5.when trying to register new user I get an error message:
"PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host."
Please help if you can
I don't think I can help, but have you tried the `zenphoto_sendmail` plugin?
Thank you for the answer - better late than never, that's what I always say. Ok so I ticked off the php mailer and left only the plugin you indicated.
Now when I create an account zenphoto says it's all good but after about ten minutes I haven't received any mail (also, nothing in spam). I will wait a while longer and this evening when I get back home I will also check the error logs.
But anyways, I haven't found any place to setup zenphoto_sendmail for it to use gmail as a smtp server - how exactly has it successfully sent the verification mail?
Open .../zp-core/zp-extensions/PHPmailer.php.
On line 107 where it reads `$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";` change `ssl` to `tls`.
In your SMTP settings use port 587 (like it says in `http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=13287` for TSL connections)
Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): this stream does not support SSL/crypto in zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions/PHPMailer/class.smtp.php on line 197 Language string failed to load: tls
Registration failed.
PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:Language string failed to load: tls
SMTP server error:
Any ideas why?
now all works as it is supposed to, I was finally able to create the account.
Thanks to all who've helped