mailing with phpmailer through GMAIL smtp


I have tried and checked the forums and google and can't find a way to configure mailing for zenphoto.

After the installation I setup the admin user and a few options like the private server option (meaning that only registered users can access it and I left only the registration page visible to the public - from zenphoto options-). I went on the app and saw no way to register a new account - activated the plugin "register_user" and then advanced a bit more and saw it wasn't sending mails. So I looked on the forums and saw I needed more plugins, so I activated PHPMailer. My objective was to configure my gmail address for sending mails at user registration, comments, etc.
Configured the plugin for smtp according to the google instructions here: but I keep hitting a wall when trying to register a new user: "PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host."

I checked and double checked all settings but still don't know what's wrong.

A quick recap:

1.objective - have a zenphotos app that allows private users to be created and only those can access the albums within order for these users to register I need a mail server that can send them mails install is on a clean linux server with apache, mysql, php and that is all
4.installed two plugins - register_user and PHPMailer, configured both
5.when trying to register new user I get an error message:
"PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host."

Please help if you can


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Sorry to respond so late.
    I don't think I can help, but have you tried the `zenphoto_sendmail` plugin?
  • Hello,

    Thank you for the answer - better late than never, that's what I always say. Ok so I ticked off the php mailer and left only the plugin you indicated.

    Now when I create an account zenphoto says it's all good but after about ten minutes I haven't received any mail (also, nothing in spam). I will wait a while longer and this evening when I get back home I will also check the error logs.

    But anyways, I haven't found any place to setup zenphoto_sendmail for it to use gmail as a smtp server - how exactly has it successfully sent the verification mail?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The sendmail plugin cannot be setup to use an external mailing service. If used the mails are send via your server, that's its purpose. Otherwise you need to use the phpmailer plugin.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I found a solution that works for me but you have to modify the `PHPMailer` plugin.

    Open .../zp-core/zp-extensions/PHPmailer.php.
    On line 107 where it reads `$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl";` change `ssl` to `tls`.

    In your SMTP settings use port 587 (like it says in `` for TSL connections)
  • Great info. We will add an option for tsl for the next release.
  • Thank you for your answers. I tried the solution that fretzl suggested but unfortunately when I tried to create the user again I got the following warning and error:

    Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): this stream does not support SSL/crypto in zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions/PHPMailer/class.smtp.php on line 197 Language string failed to load: tls

    Registration failed.
    PHPMailer failed to send Registration confirmation. ErrorInfo:Language string failed to load: tls
    SMTP server error:

    Any ideas why?
  • The error sounds like your serve is not configured for SSL/TSL handling.
  • sbillard, is that supposed to be installed by me on the linux box? Not something included in the plugin?
  • ok I searched the error and found out what you meant - to solve it I enabled


    now all works as it is supposed to, I was finally able to create the account.

    Thanks to all who've helped :)
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