Admin toolbox has disappeared? (zpMinimal)

I know that I am not the first having seen this...but from the threads about this I found I could derive no working solution for me. Problem is as follows:

Have Zenphoto pretty fresh installed with version [9138]. As I am new to the system I did try out some of the plugins but also changed the zpMinimal-theme (thx GJR for this theme!) to suit my tastes. Mainly .css and doing away search.
All run perfect, admin-toolbox was there and made working with it quite nice. Then today I suddenly saw that it wasn't shown anymore. In the pagesource one can still see the <div> (though empty) where in the .php the printAdminToolbox-call is done.
I am logged in, I checked with diverse plugins if they perhaps are needed and checked all errors the page perhaps showed (no errors, some warnings in .css but nothing grave).
Did try on 2 computers, refreshed cache and tried IE AND Firefox. But still always the same behaviour. Now I have to admit to be quite clueless. Any tipps please where I could continue my hunt for the admin-toolbox? Thx!


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I'm not familiar with that theme but out of curiosity:
    is the `show_not_logged-in` plugin perhaps enabled ?

    I added the name of the theme to the title of your topic so gjr might respond.
  • Thanx for the answer...but no - that plugin is disabled (and even didnt try that one out so it really should be ;) ). What I forgot to add above is, that toolbox also is gone when I switch over to e.g. default theme...that's why I think it has probably something to do with plugins (only ones in system that are in standard). Me having f*cked up something in theme naturally was the first thought ;).
  • Hi raf. I am using that theme as well. What plugins are you using? I have the following,

    class-video v1.4.2

    colorbox v1.4.2

    comment_form v1.4.2

    contact_form v1.4.2

    deprecated-functions v1.4.2

    hitcounter v1.4.2

    html_meta_tags v1.4.2

    print_album_menu v1.4.2

    security-logger v1.4.2

    tiny_mce v1.4.2

    user_login-out v1.4.2

    zenpage v1.4.2

    zenphoto_sendmail v1.4.2

    zenphoto_seo v1.4.2

    The admin toolbox is working fine here. Was the theme updated? I am using Zenphoto version [9180]
    hmm, looking at the change logs seems there has been a lot of activity.

    Upgraded to [9339] and checked again. I still have the admin toolbox.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did your browser maybe log you out? Try clearing cookies and loggin in again.
  • Thx for your ideas...found the "problem" - acrylian gave me the right idea where to look: seems that with certain network layouts (e.g. IP of the client where I do the administration with is 24hrs only) the option "cookie-security" creates that problem. I thought that the IP-tying would be related to sessiontime only. And even deleting that cookie manually didnt seem to help. After I disabled that option completely though admin-toolbox is now back :).
    Perhaps this solution also is the answer to some of the older threads...

    Thank you all for Zenphoto and the good support :)!
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