I made a simple zenfooter.php page and called it using this code:
`<?php include ($_zp_themeroot . "/zenfooter.php"); ?>`
but I get this error message, although the file exists and in the right location:
`Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/collecties/themes/jacktummers/zenfooter.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/var/php5.3/lib/php') in /srv/jackdaw/www/www.jacktummers.nl/collecties/themes/jacktummers/album.php on line 68`
If you insist on declaring an absolute path, the exact way to do it depends on your server's configuration. In my case, it would be something like: `<?php include ('/srv/jackdaw/www/www.jacktummers.nl/collecties/themes/jacktummers/zenfooter.php'); ?>`
(you could actually find the first part of the code from SERVERPATH, if my memory is correct.)