Hello all.
Unfortunately I'm in trouble because of the message:
"SaveOptions" Cross Site Request Forgery blocked.
I think it's due to the change of the option:
"Enable section on gallery" in the Options page -> Gallery
Any changes have no effect and the change is not saved.
Can anyone help me?
thank you very much
At any rate, the error `"SaveOptions" Cross Site Request Forgery blocked` comes from Zenphoto checking that the post actually came from the administrator rather than from someone trying to hack your site. It does this by storing a token in the request and checking it against the expected value. Seems this check is failing.
Sorry I try to translate "abilita le sessioni della galleria" in english.
I try to cancel the cache inside Firefox and Internet Explorer but it's the same.
I'm not able to enter in every gallery to manage the photo.
Have you an idea to repare the situation ?
Thank you
You can try removing the `gallery_data` option in your database's `options` table. This will reset the options of your gallery tab to default where the option you set will be off.
But Most likely something has gone wrong with PHP Session handling. If that is not working then the Cross Site Reference Forgery (XSRF) detection mechanism will fail. Thus the need to see if there have been any errors generated.