Why so many updates?

Zenphoto is a great product and I am using it on 4 of my client sites. This product has gone from no updates to update overload! I just saw that there is another update! The third one this year! I just finished updating to the second update on the sites I support that use this and honestly I think I need to find a more stable product that doesn't require an update every 2 weeks. Even if I have to buy it I would consider it as a time saver. I just can't keep up! The last update I did for one of the sites that hadn't been updated in a while required that I apply 8 updates! Can't you do an update per quarter instead of every 2-3 weeks? These x.x.x.x updates are a pain. Can we skip the minor updates (the third and fourth level) and just wait for a major one??


  • This product has gone from no updates to update overload!

    The history of Zenphoto updates has been pretty consistent over the years. Generally there is an update each month for fixes and a new feature release every 6 months.

    And there has not been `an update every 2 weeks` that I am aware of. If you are refering to nightly builds as updates then they are (of course) every day. In fact, even your `third one this year` equates to one a month.

    http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/roadmap?show=all is the history of Zenphoto. Where do you see frequent updates? I really do not know what you are talking about.

    You can, of course skip whatever you wish to skip. But for the sake of those who are experiencing problems we will continue to make fixes.
  • I appreciate the frequent updates.
    I think it's a common misconception that the more updates a product has the less stable it is.

    Programs that don't update as regularly are just making you wait longer for the same fixes.
  • updates are problem only when you are modified the core code, otherwise you can update nightly builds too.
    Only major versions have DB changes, those updates may be bit difficult if you have large number of albums and photos. otherwise it is one click.
    Generally, i will upload like "zp-core" as "zp-core2", once upload completes, simply rename to "zp-core" and replace the index.php. once it is completed then i will browse the website, then zenPHOTO will take care of everything.
  • OK, I just got the 6th update for this year!

    Jan 15
    Feb 2
    March 1
    April 4
    July 1
    Aug 2

    I just finished updating the last site with the July 1 update, now there is a fix! If you spent more time testing and released this stuff once a quarter, you might not need so many interim updates.

    I am officially in the market for another photo gallery to use on my sites....
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What is exactly your problem? So you prefer that we leave bug fixes unfixed if they are encountered? Maybe you did not even notice them, so fine then don't update. You can always view the details via svn via a proper svn client.

    Also we are a community project so we are dependend on tests by our users, the community. you! Did you test the 1.4.3 beta to help find possible bugs and if not why not?

    Btw, even the much bigger project Wordpress had 5 releases this year and Piwigo, one of our "opponents" had already 8 releases if I counted correctly.
  • @buster:

    Good that you are in the market for another photo gallery. Clearly you want one that does not change at all. But, OH, you could have got that with Zenphoto--just do not upgrade. No one has forced your to do so.

    We do say that we can provide fixes only to the current release, but clearly that does not apply to you since you do not want to upgrade anyway.
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