News extracts in html

I'm using the last version of the gallery with zpArdoise theme and I have an issue in my news page. The news extract are displayed with html codes (as you can see in this screenshot : but if I clic the "show more" link it's no more encoded but just as it should be. I tried with another theme and it's exactly the same. It was okay before the 1.4.2 update.
Does anyone has the same problem and know how to fix it ?
Thank you.


  • It is possible that you have encoded html entities stored in the database for your articles. If so, you will need to re-edit them so that they are saved in "clear text".
  • I wrote a new article yesterday and still have the same problem. I tried to re-edit each of my article but it doesn't change anything...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't know this theme (nor the Zenphoto version you use) and how it truncates text. If it is our current release it should not do that. I think older versions of the truncate could result in this as on truncating html elemenets are "destroyed".
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