Problem with Tables on the album page

Trying to layout some text on the album page, but when I set up a table and paste it into Album Description the table is spaced down the page when displayed.

Somehow a bunch of "page breaks" are being added to the table code on the album page. Dont know if that is the problem, or if there is a better way to layout text on an album page.


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    You can either enable the `tiny_mce` plugin
    go to: Options -> General -> Allowed tags
    where you can define the appropriate HTML tags/attributes to be used in fields.
  • KBear Member
    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    tiny_mce is enabled

    In options>plugin>tiny_mce>Text editor configuration - is set to "zenpag-default-full" I see the icons above the text field when editing pages, including the table icon.

    But for albums, I don't see the icons above the text field unless >Text editor configuration - is set to "zenphoto-default", and there is no table icon. Any other option and there are no icons.

    Options -> General -> Allowed tags, I have added tags, and it does not seem to make any difference. But I'm not really sure on the format.

    Tables work fine on pages, but not on albums.

    Changing the theme does not make any difference.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to select the zenpage full configuration for albums as well. Or alteratively use a custom configuration file.
  • KBear Member
    when I change tiny_mce>Text editor configuration - Zenphoto. to "zenpage-default-full", no icons are shown above the text area on the album page, and the tables are full of page breaks when i view the site source code.

    Or do i look somewhere else for "zenpage full configuration". searching and cant find it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Might be tha the zenpage config files does not work or fit in the space on albums (Don'T remember as it is not made for that..;)). Anyway, you can make your own config file. Place it in `/plugins/tiny_mce/config/.js.php`
    How to configure TinyMCE is documented its website.
  • KBear Member
    Not sure I have explained the problem well.

    The problem is not that the table buttons do not show on the tiny_mce editor on the album page, although that is odd. I can create and paste a table into the source code in the editor.

    The problem is when there is a table on the album page, and I view the page in Explorer or Firfox, the table is pushed down the page because a bunch of `
    ` have been inserted into the table code.

    Odd with one theme zpGalleriffic the page breaks are not inserted into the code, but with the other themes the page breaks are there in the source code when viewed in the browser.

    ` etc`

    There are no `` within the table code when i view the table in tiny_mce editor.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I can reproduce this. Has to do with a very persistent tinyMCE.
    Sometimes you need to hard-refresh (i.e. also clear the cache) the edit page a few times to reload TinyMCE and make the changes stick.

    After a few refreshes I got it to work.

    Still, best you make your own config file as @crylian suggested.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you wish to use the table element buttons on TinyMCe you need to add them to the config file or make your own. The Zenpage one, specifically the full featured one, just does not fit the width on album/image pages. So it requires re-ordering of the buttons. I'll put it on the list to have a full featured one for these page for 1.4.3.
  • KBear Member
    Added the table button to the TinyMCe config file, and created a table using that button in TinyMCe on an album page.

    code from TinyMCe HTML
    cell1 cell2
    However, when I view the code in Firfox, or Explorer
    ` cell1

    Note all the added `
    ` in the code. I am assuming this is what is moving the table down the page.

    On pages, the tables work fine.

    Appreciate the suggestions, thanks
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, now I remember… That is a very small bug in and a leftover from the old now unsupported frontend editing. This internally convert invisible line breaks into `
    ` (display only, the actual content is not changed).

    Use `echo getAlbumDesc()` instead of `printAlbumDesc()` on your theme to workaround this.
  • KBear Member
    ok, that worked :) Table is where it should be. Thanks.

    Is there a work around for the


    same problem with tables.

    Edit>> I guessed right answer

    `echo getAlbumCustomData()`
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, since all gallery functions use a certain function internally always using the "get" variant is the workaround. The nightly build has this corrected btw.
  • Hello,
    don't want to start a new thread.
    I made my own TinyMCE config file, but anyway I wonder if there any news on a full featured TinyMce for Album Pages? Thanks :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is no "news" but you can do your own. Problem is only that you have less space as the current include TinyMCE3 is not responsive.

    The next v4 is. You can preview it in the 1.4.6 dev build already.
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