Upgrade issues with .htaccess (I think)


Will follow the lead of everyone by complimenting you on a great piece of software!

However, when I upgraded to 0.9, i don't think the path detection stuff has worked properly on my server. My index.php now links to the galleries at http://tignes/ (for the Tignes photo album), whereas with 0.8 the link went to http://www.skinnyjimmy.com/skinnyphoto/tignes/

I am not that hot with .htaccess, but did change the rewrite base to /skinnyphoto (this is the directory which holds all the zenphoto files).

Anyone have a clue, before I drop back to 0.8 in the morning?


  • Ah, a bit of sleep gave me the clue - I ended up commenting out the define('WEBPATH' .... ) in the 'if' part of config php and manually defined it outside that section. All seems to work now!

    I didn't have to define the 'SERVERPATH' though - is something going to be horribly wrong anywhere?
  • Hi, do you think you could please post an example of your config file please.
  • Hi Imbuez,

    the part I edited was this:

    `/** Do not edit below this line. **/


    $_zp_conf_vars = $conf;

    if (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == "i.php" || basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME$

    "admin.php") {

    define('SERVERPATH', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));

    // define('WEBPATH', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])));

    } else {

    define('SERVERPATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));

    // define('WEBPATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));


    define('WEBPATH', 'http://www.skinnyjimmy.com/skinnyphoto');

    define('SERVERCACHE', SERVERPATH . "/cache");

    define('WEBCACHE', WEBPATH . "/cache");`

    As you can see, i have just manually entered the path to my zenphoto directory as the webpath. I think the automatic discovery of the path isn't working? For me, anyway!

  • Thanks for the prompt response skinnyj. Unfortunately that's not working for me. Its seems to add an extra /zen/ into my path.

    When it should be 'http://www.imbuez.co.uk/gallery/zen/setup.php'

    I'm clueless to know whats going on here.
  • What do you have defined in your .htaccess as the path?
  • Imbuez,

    just a quick update - I was having trouble after updating to the stopdesign theme. All fixed by updating the WEBPATH above to read:

    `define('WEBPATH', '/skinnyphoto');`

    It might fix it for you if you put:

    `define('WEBPATH', '/gallery');`
  • Thank skinnyj i will give this a go when i get a free minute at work.

    My .htaccess path reads 'X:\xxxxxx\imbuez\imbuez.co.uk\gallery'

    I found this path with this little php
    `<? print $PATH_TRANSLATED; ?>'`
  • Hi skinnyj
    Using 'define('WEBPATH', '/gallery');' seems to reload the setup.php and clear my fields.

    When i define the full path i get two instances and of the path in my address bar. Bummer ; (
  • Ah, interestingly, my .htaccess path reads:

    `RewriteBase /skinnyphoto/`

    which is not the filepath on the server. That might do it?
  • Hi, I think I'm having the same problem. I also haven't been exactly sure what to put into .htaccess, for now I just have it as a /, which works better than some of the other alternatives that i've tried. I am going to try the config.php (although i am quite a novice at php).
    I am getting the links like http://photoshop-creations/ (album)
    or http://zen/admin.php
    I also don't understand why it puts the zen folder into the link for admin, but doesn't add the albums folder into the link for the album...
    The site I'm currently trying to get working is this.

    [edit]OK...i redid my config.php to direct it to the address of the site, and the site is working now except for the upload function.
    If I try to upload a photo it redirects me to this address;
    so it basically puts my address in twice. It has the same address problem w/ posting comments.
    The photo got uploaded, it shows the thumbnail in the gallery, but if i click the thumbnail it only shows a link to the image, and not the image itself.
    It also says I have 7 images in a total of 1 album, I only have 1, I had 1 or 2 more that i deleted through ftp...not sure where the rest came from. Is there a way to prune the junk data?
  • trisweb Administrator
    There are problems with subdomains (or installing in the root folder) still, I'm working them out for the next release.
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