If you want the short question, it is:
Can someone tell me what the equivalent of "getFullImageURL" and "$_zp_current_image->localpath" is without the file name? The functions list is so long and I get confused over actual URL vs gallery URL etc.
The reason behind the question is as follows:
I have kind of a unique situation. I have music files in my gallery, and I would like to have a download link show up that links to a different file, depending on the language. I'm thinking I can accomplish this with the custom data field fairly simply, by adding the alternate language file name in the field, uploading the different file to the same album and leaving it unpublished. Do you think this would work? Something like as follows:
if (file_exists(substr($_zp_current_image->localpath,0,-3)."mp3")) {
$spanishName = $_zp_current_album->getCustomData();
if ($language=="spanish" && !empty($spanishName) && file_exists($spanishName)){ // fix second $spanishName
echo "
"; //fix
else {
echo "
else {
The problem I have is I don't know how to reference the path to the mp3 "image" without the file name included. In other words, can someone tell me what the equivalent of "getFullImageURL" and "$_zp_current_image->localpath" is without the file name? The functions list is so long and I get confused over actual URL vs gallery URL etc.
Thanks much.
`$album->name` didn't work -- but the following did
My working code is as follows for anyone interested. You'd have to adapt the force download to your own application. The code to reference the image for a file_exists call is different than the web address, which is what often gets me confused.
if (file_exists(substr($_zp_current_image->localpath,0,-3)."mp3")) {
$customName = $_zp_current_image->getCustomData();
$customPathName = substr(htmlspecialchars(getAlbumFolder(WEBPATH).$_zp_current_album->name."/".$customName.".mp3"),1);
$customFullPath = $_zp_current_album->localpath.$customName.".mp3";
if ($language=="spanish" && !empty($customName) && file_exists($customFullPath)){
echo "";
else {
echo "";