I am looking to add a background audio loop to a gallery, preferably in slideshow mode as well as thumbnail mode. I have been trying to follow the instructions given on the Flowplayer site, but I suspect I am adding the script snippets to the wrong place. I have tried to add code sections using the codeblocks on the 'Edit Album' page, but this does not seem to have any effect, and the code does not appear in the page source.
The code snippets I have been adding are:
$f("player", "/zen/zp-core/zp-extensions/flowplayer3/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf", {
clip: {
url: "
These follow from the
Flowplayer site's page on audio play.
My question is, are the codeblocks the right place to be adding the code snippets, or should they go in one of the configuration files? Do the codeblocks accept JavaScript and general HTML markup, or are they for PHP code instead?
a) Your theme must support them. Otherwise you need to modify the theme used to add theme (see the tutorial),
b) on page reload your audio will of course start again.
There are no codeblock available for the slideswhow so you will need to create your own slideshow plugin to incorporate any audio.
Note that automatically playing audio and especially music that is not stoppable is a really bad idea. Many people either are not alone sitting in an office and also a lot of people already listen to music via their computer.