Errors after upgrade to - flowplayer / search functions

I'm getting the following errors after upgrade. Yes, I'm using a customized effervescence theme from way back when, but I get the errors regardless of whether I use the new theme or the old.

Error 1)
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<b> has no method 'ipad'
line is:
in flowplayer plugin code.

Error 2)
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string
if (newsearch.length > 0) {
$('#search_input').val('('++') AND ('+newsearch+')');
Maybe this was addressed elsewhere but I can't find it...


Example URL with errors:


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have no idea right now, never saw that. The ipad plugin is there but lacking an iDevice I never could test it. Maybe the jPlayer plugin is the better solution if you need to support mobile devices.
  • In Firefox the unexpected string error is said to be invalid increment operand pointing to the '++' in

    I test for idevices with the Firefox User Agent Switcher extension. It works quite well. I still get the error about .ipad not being a function when using the extension.

    I was thinking jPlayer was already activated but it wasn't. Also I thought jplayer enabled html5 functionality but it still says I need the latest flash plugin when running with firefox (or the latest browser - ha!). The ipad error does go away with the jplayer installed instead. The link to the flash player works in the jplayer error message.

    I installed flash player and it still doesn't work so maybe this is a bug in FF 11. I have the latest version available.
  • Oh, actually the link flowplayer gives is to the actual file, not the current page. For some reason clicking on the text doesn't bring up the file unless you open in a new window, but that's a nice feature anyway.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Forgot about the user agent switch. However without the proper device some things will not work. Which directly leads to your mentioning of this:
    I was thinking jPlayer was already activated but it wasn't. Also I thought jplayer enabled html5 functionality but it still says I need the latest flash plugin when running with firefox (or the latest browser - ha!).

    Yes, and you should really read here why that is so and why that it is more Firefox's than jPlayer's "fault": (this is referenced in the plugin documentation on
  • For error #2, please try the nightly build.
  • Thanks for the help all.
    The world of web is a complicated, ever-changing stream of which audio is a part!
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