Why might I get 7 extra breaks inserted before a simple table (containing an ordered list) that is placed in the description area? If I remove the table tags, everything works just fine.
` but a `
` (XHTML syntax) if ever.
I inserted it simply with html in html view. It does not show breaks in the html view, even when going back to edit it again. There is a closing paragraph tag followed immediately by table tag (and it does the same thing with only a table in the description). When it renders the page, I get 7 consecutive break tags.
Regarding type of tags, Chrome changes all my `
` to simply br, not sure about other browsers.
` inserting is a bug I forgot as it is fixed in the trunk nightly already. So either use the trunk nightly build or wait for the soon to be release Alternativey change the theme to use the "get" variant instead of the "print" function to get the image description.
I don't understand the usage of the table. Use a list and give it and its ``elements a fixed width. Then center it. To avoid line breaks there is a html element for that.
Regarding the table, I would rather not set a width, because then I will get wrapping if I set it too narrow or it will appear off center if I set it too wide. Right? A table automatically gets the proper width.
You can set any blocklevel element to a variable width. Use min-width or max-width then modify the theme to have a wrapper element which content is centered. That should work.
I must not have understood your CSS suggestion properly-- I created a double div with wrapper to the outside as follows but no luck. But you shouldn't have to answer css questions
#descriptionWrapper {
#descriptionText {
So looks like I just need to be patient for the next release.