I am managing a site for a client. We upgraded to in November and he doesn't want to do another upgrade until May. Without the Ajax File Manager he is having problems updating his site. I can't see a way for him to edit his own page images without being able to add them directly into uploaded folder via ftp (which is something I would have to do for him).
I just wanted to check whether there is any method via the front-end of Zenphoto to allow images to be added to pages until we upgrade to with the Ajaz File Manager plug-in?
Many thanks
You can use images from the gallery using the tinyZenpage tool of the TinyMCE editor (the "ZP" icon) to include images into pages or news articles. Store the images within an unpublished album whose images are published if you don't want that album to appear in the gallery. We do it that way on our own site.