The fact that Zenphoto can create the Title of an mp3 automatically from its title is wonderful; however I happen to have a situation where I need the file name to be the title instead this time. Is there a way to change that?
Yes, on Options > Image > Meta data > Video title (counts for all multimedia items the adapted getID3 tool can read). ALternativly leave the title field in the mp3 blank..;-)
Thanks, but I'm still confused. I tried all three settings for Video title but none of them allowed the file name to be used. I also tried batch-changing the title (I have hundreds of files) and re-uploading (thinking I can change the title back and then upload again, overwriting and hopefully it will keep the first settings) but it always stays the same. When files are deleted, are they removed from the database, or do I need to refresh the database before re-uploading?
I note if I upload a file that was not uploaded previously, and I have changed the title field, it changes, but otherwise the title doesn't change. However, even for files not uploaded before, if I set video title setting to do not process, I still am getting the title field I believe...
Zenphoto always reads the meta data on first import/discovery only. If there is a title in the metadata it is used and added to the database, if not the filename. Same if the title (Video title in this case) is disabled.
If you wish to update it afterwards you need to push the "refresh metadata" button on the admin album page of that item. But caution, this overwrites all manual changes to all fields on all items in that album with meta data.
I note if I upload a file that was not uploaded previously, and I have changed the title field, it changes, but otherwise the title doesn't change. However, even for files not uploaded before, if I set video title setting to do not process, I still am getting the title field I believe...
If you wish to update it afterwards you need to push the "refresh metadata" button on the admin album page of that item. But caution, this overwrites all manual changes to all fields on all items in that album with meta data.