A pair of question on proper functions

Hi, All.

Maybe someone could tell me, what functions (or whatever suitable way) should I use to:

1) get the name of an album that is currently displayed (for use in "if" statement)
2) display the thumbnails not only of an album that is currently displayed, but also the thumbnails of all subalbums of the album.

Thank you.


  • I suppose you have already read the themeing tutorial and taken a look at the functions guide documentation. So I will not repeat what you can learn there.

    The first issue is what do you mean by the "name" of an album. If it is the folder name, then you want `$albumobject->name` If it is the title or something else there are similar methods or properties in the object model.

    There is not a function that will do the complete task of your second request. But again, the object model provides methods for fetching lists of subalbums and for fetching "thumbnails." There are methods for a "standard" thumbnail and ones for arbitrarily sized ones. You will have to write code to process a whole list.

    You might also want to explore some of the plugins available. For instance, perhaps `paged_thumb_nav` might be what you are looking for.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The paged_thumbs_nav plugin only shows the thumbs of the current album. If you want to display those of a subalbum there is no way around using the object model.
  • So, once again, is it possible to do 2) using the object model? your second reply confuses me a bit.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
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