I'm finding the small rectangle allotted for editing the description field to be challenging to use for my application. What is the easiest way to increase the default size of this? There's an admin stylesheet but I suppose that would be overwritten during upgrades... Is editing that the best way? Thanks.
Edit that file so that the line for theme_advanced_buttons2 reads `theme_advanced_buttons2 : "undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,cleanup,help,code,fullscreen",`
Then go to the tiny-mce plugin options and select `zenphoto-with_fullpage.php` as your "Text editor configuration - Zenphoto" selection.
This will put the full screen button in the button set and allow you to edit full screen.
Notes to others,
-obviously it is copied into plugins folder not pluins
-the end of the code got cut off above, ends with `fullscreen",`