i added thickbox to my gallery to show the full images but i have a problem right now. Thickbox doesnt show the image but the image code instead, like this:
????JFIF??;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), quality = 85 ??C !"$"$??C??3?"?? ???}!1AQa"q2???#B??R??$3br? %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???w!1AQaq"2?B???? #3R?br? $4?%?&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Xzp54??-?4`<?a??????c?--%-="" u?);w??
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I think it could be some kind of a mime type / encoding problem but i have no clue how to solve it.
Do you know what i can do to make zenphoto generate correct jpg´s so that thickbox would display them as image?
I tried it with imagemagick instead of gd too but i had the same result.
Thanks for your help!
We do not use Thickbox and instead use colorbox as it plays well with jquery which is our primary javascript tool. Many of our themes show images with colorbox. Perhpas you should look into how they do it.
thanks for your answer! yes ist shows the pics correctly without thickbox. i will check out colorbox asap, thanks for the tip!
i tried colorbox but i have the same problem. It displays code instead of the image. But theres one new thing i discovered: It displays the code only when the image is created the first time. if i reload the page after the bigger image has been created one time (and been displayed as code), the picture shows up correctly.
do you have any idea where else i can look for the error?
thank you very much!
btw - i need some paid support for little plugin or zenphoto modification. how can i reach you?