I have set up a MYSQL database on cPanel, and I used Filezilla to upload my zenphoto folder onto my webhost account. Its FTP address is
ftp://ftp.megudesign.com/zenphoto/So that means it has been uploaded correctly as a subfolder, right?
Whenever I attempt to go to megudesign.com/zenphoto it keeps giving me a 4O4 error that there is nothing there. I am trying to figure out why it will not even acknowledge that the page exists, if I have done all the steps in the installation instructions. Any help is appreciated, I have no clue what to do from here.
Can you place a normal html page in that folder and access it? If so, then maybe the server is not configured to support PHP.
If none of these help you will need to have this discussion with your hosting provider. We can only guess from our end since nothing is visible to us.