How do I know that currently a zenpage is displayed?

I want to use isset() in if() to display something if a zenpage is displayed. Is there a variable, such as $_zp_current_album for a currently displayed ZenPage?

Or should I use another way?


  • here is `$_zp_gallery_page` which is set to the script that is being run, e.g. `album.php`, `pages.php`, etc.
  • But if I need to display smthng on pages but not on albums?
  • Sorry, what is your question. I did answer how you know what script is running. That should be enough for you to make your `if` test.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    You can find all Zenpage related functions here:
    `zp-core -> extensions -> zenpage -> zenpage-template-functions.php`.

    I guess you're looking for the function `is_Pages()` which checks if the current page is a zenpage page.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Also Zenpage pages have their own theme file `pages.php` where you would have to place the checks you need. There is of course also a equivalent to `$_zp_current_album` which is `$_zp_current_zenpage_page`. (all listed on the user guide global variable article).
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