If the url of my website is http://mysite.com/smth/ (opening mysite.com doesn't give user anything), and I need to place links like a href="$mysiteurl/pages/page" or a href="$mysiteurl/something",
First, why do you have `mysite.com/something` when `mysite.com` means nothing? Why don't you just use the root of your domain then? (Zenphoto can be installed in the root of course).
Second, Zenphoto provides several functions to get these links (`$mysiteurl/pages/page` is a Zenpage page named "page" and `$mysiteurl/something` is an album named `something`).
For "why do you need that, when you can just...", I'd say I'd like to have some extra transfer freedom. For example, now my site lives at demo.mysite.com/thesite and in several days it'll move to anothersite.com
a href="$mysiteurl/pages/page" or a href="$mysiteurl/something",
how do I get $mysiteurl?
Does this make sense?
Second, Zenphoto provides several functions to get these links (`$mysiteurl/pages/page` is a Zenpage page named "page" and `$mysiteurl/something` is an album named `something`).
There are also some constants WEBPATH and SERVERPATH, or FULLSERVERPATH available:http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_functions-basic.php.html
Thank you.
I had started to write something while you were writing your post. When I completed my entry, I noticed that your answer was better than mine.