Deleted on Wikipedia



  • Regarding the Zenphoto article, administrators can add a "this article has no references" note, NOT delete it.
  • Here is a Zenphoto article draft. Maybe somebody else could help complete it? This time I'll try to keep an updated version on Github in case it gets deleted again.
  • I'll let you play with it. I had saved the Wikipedia raw text file I had prepared back in May, when the deleted page was reactivated... and before it was deleted again. At that time, most of the description was accurate and okayed by the main developers.
    So I updated most of the links for v.1.4.3 and merged the content I had with yours. You will see that I have kept your first line with a REMOVE work in front of it.

    I therefore suggest you work from what is now on the Wikipedia page, correct typos (my mother tongue is French) and make the style more "Wikipedia proof". And update whatever you make of it on Github (or keep a raw text file at home).

    Good luck!

    1. Ideally, we need more external references.
    2, The "es:Wikipedia link" at the end probably should appear on its own line or in a different fashion.
  • Can you elaborate on this:

    * A plugin (supplied) allows handling through the browser, GoogleDocs, Zoho or a local program

    What is the name of the plugin?
  • I think we should consider removal of the first sentence in Features. It seems redundant. See instances of "FIXME".
  • I corrected those. Feel free to delete stuff if you think there are too many details or if you think it might look "too promotional".
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for trying to take care of that. I don't have an Wiki-account and actually also lacking time to take care of that, too.
  • opinion: i now understand why the original article was marked as "too commercial" (or whatever the wording). cut it down, especially the features. better to have a neutral stub than a full list, that is better at home on the actual zenphoto site.
    as acrylian mentioned, "zenphoto just works, so people dont fuss about it" - maybe some bloggers have written nice tutorials for beginners.
    (and no, i dont have a wikipedia account)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All articles on the net we know about are listed here (I do monitor the web):
    (Except the occasional "the x best galleries" type of articles which just copy from each other (even the outdated info).
  • @grubernd (and sankeytm)

    I have just put back what I had started to write last May. I think it's a good start. At that time, I felt the article was rather accurate and I was about to start the process of trimming down the non-essential stuff from it to make it more concise. However, I must say I have no experience in that.

    If any of you feel up to the task, please do so. I won't feel offended at all if you butcher, improve... that content.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe compare how the articles are that do still exist. Maybe they really just want a short bare bones article a la "Zenphoto is this and that" and for more info visit its own site" or something.
  • Under "Sample Galleries" there may be too many links. Also, what is the difference between "Galleries that use the Zenpage Plugin" and "Galleries that transparently integrate Zenphoto in an entire website" if they both are examples of websites that use Zenphoto+Zenpage to construct the entire website? I suggest we merge those two lists and cut it down to just five links.
  • Under "Linguistic Choices" what is the difference between bullets 2 and 3?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Maybe just point to the showcase section for example usages?

    The difference between those two type is that the 1st is a complete website only with Zenphoto and Zenpage while the 2nd does use Zenphoto with a static website or another system like WP.

    I suggest to maybe use the wording we have on our showcase.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    To the language question. The first is for the static text elements that need to have programmed support. For example prev/next buttons or anyother special stuff like static sidebar headlines. The 2nd for the dynamic content e.g. the content the user ads himself like image descriptions, titles or articles.
  • I like the idea of just linking to the showcase section rather than having a mini showcase.

    Can somebody fix the "User rights" link? It's in two places: Features->Albums and Technical Description->User Management.
  • I have done a few changes:

    – In the "Features", I talked of "Albums" and "Documents", which are further subdivided into Images, Multimedia Documents and Other documents. It allows me to group together functions common to all types of documents.
    Maybe there is a better word than "Documents" (some administrative links talk of "Elements", but I think it would be confusing for an outside reader).

    – User Management : I think I removed all duplicates of that.

    – Showcase simplified

    – "WordPress Plugin" renamed into "Plugin for WordPress".
    I'm ambivalent about it, as it might prove popular (+), but it's not a feature of Zenphoto (-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Looks quite good. Maybe still a little too extensive in the feature list? Could look advertising.

    Regarding documents we often use the term item as image does really not fit.

    A fews suggestions: Maybe in the albums seciton the parts about file types etc should be one level below in order so the dependencie is more clear? Images are always "subitems" so to speak while Zenpage's pages and news are not (although news can be in categories you don't need them) but maby that is too detailed for the normal visitor.

    Regarding the Wordpress plugin. The most successful and still actively maintained one is this actually and should probably be linked, too: (it is also the inspiration for tinyZenpage).

    Regarding theming: Exact would be that you can theme using HTML, CSS, PHP (as that is our template engine) and what ever you can do on the web.
  • Originally I added the WordPress plugin because I didn't know what else to add, but now that the article is quite full I will remove that section and add a link to External links.
  • lol, Zenphoto showcase is a Zenphoto gallery of Zenphoto galleries :)
  • The "user rights" link under the User Management section is still broken. It points to this:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    ;lol, Zenphoto showcase is a Zenphoto gallery of Zenphoto galleries :)
    We actually like to call them "sites"..;-)

    Regarding the link that changed all the time with the version number as we keep the old screenshots in a sub album for "history". I have now renamed finally the album of the current screenshots to just "zenphoto-admin". Since those are always created new the image names are not always the same. I suggest to point to the user rights tutorial:
  • Does the jplayer zenphoto plugin support anything that jplayer is supposed to support? jplayer supports ogg and webm (vorbis && VP8 && theora), so maybe we should add that to the list?
  • > ...I suggest to point to the user rights tutorial...

    Done. Also removed the user rights list.
  • I added a feature table since it saves more space for widescreens. If people like it, just delete the old feature lists starting from Images section.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    jplayer: Yes, it should, but ogg and webm are only secondary formats, so they will not work direclty as mentioned on the jplayer page. You always need the primary as well.

    Again, the screenshots section is not static as mentioned above. For the current there is no version number anymore but the individual image entry names might change (I don't always check them exactly). Best just link to the current screenshots, just the feature list or the zenpage plugin entry.
  • jplayer: Yes, it should, but ogg and webm are only secondary formats, so they will not work direclty as mentioned on the jplayer page. You always need the primary as well.
    I don't understand. Are you saying ogg is secondary in general or zenphoto classifies it as "secondary"?

    Besides that, I'm pretty sure most of the issues have been addressed. Any comments before I submit the article for review?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just a few minor things I just noted:

    - We have changed the MySQL requirement to 5+ as it for sure works with that (my own host). 5.5 is kept as an recommendation.
    - There are now six official themes included (zpmobile was introduced recently, forgot myself to update our site in that regard..;-)).
    - The logo should be changed, the subline is outdated (under "about us" you find one).

    Regarding the history you could mention that end of 2007 the actual Zenphoto team took over development (with 1.1). But probably not needed
  • done, done, done, and done. Submitting.
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