how to write html sting in a new ?

vincent3569 Member, Translator

on my web site, I wrote a description page for zpBoostrap.
at the end of this page, I add a 'how to' write responsive pictures in news and pages
this site is with zenphoto and it's work fine

the same page is on zpBootstrap demo site.
this site is with zenphoto and it doesn't not work :
`image` is filtered.

how can I do to write this html code in my news and pages ?


  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    I saw no response for my question.
    with, some special chars (like html chars or html strings) seem to be filtered in news and pages. it's works fine with

    what the problem is and what can I do to write litteral html code in my news and pages ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to use the html code view on TinyMCE write html or any other code. Otherwise it gets encoded as text naturally (btw, that was that way since for ever).
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    of course, I tried to edit the htmlcode with the following text :

    `&-l-t-;img class="remove-attributes" src="the_path_to_your_image" alt="" /&-g-t-;` (whitout the '-')

    when I close the html pop-up, I can see the correct code

    but after validation, icon of unknown picture is displayed : the test is interpreted as true HTML code (wich describe a picture)
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    maybe I found a workaround :
    I set a blank space between '<' and 'img', and with that the text is not interpreted.

    Sometimes, what a headache...and again, it works well on (without blank space) : you can seen it in action by following the 2 links above
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    OK, that is the bug fixed in the nightly. Some encoding was overly active.
    See also:
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