Zenphoto version [9889] (Official Build)
I have been using theme: zpFocus_ v1.4.2.2 with many modifications.
Now I want to use the original, so I switched to a standard theme temporarily. I deleted theme: zpFocus_ v1.4.2.2 from my themes folder. Then re-uploaded the original package (several times).
The unmodified files are there, but when I activate it, my site still shows up with the modifications. I cleared my browser cache and even re-run set-up. Is there something stored in the database that "remembers" the changes to a theme? Thank-you for your time!
Also the static html cache could be the reason, although I mean to remember that you don't use it.
The left sidebar is set up to display a random image. When I view page source the "list" of images is there, but nothing displays. All other original features work, except this. I have double checked all the theme options.
When I modified the theme before I removed this feature.
I also use an original version of zpFocus_ v1.4.2.2 with another install of Zenphoto version with the same theme options and it works just fine. ?
You can manually delete those options. All should be identified by the theme name in the "theme" column. Of course if the theme stores its options "in the raw" that might not be the case. Then you would have to search for each individual option by name.
– Before uploading, modify the file `theme_description.php` and give it a new name by modifying the first line:
`$theme_description['name'] = 'zpFocusOriginal'`
– Upload the folder using a new name (ex.: zpFocusOriginal).
Of course, I tend to recommend the opposite: to copy and rename a theme that you want to modify, so it has it's own non-standard name.
I found the theme column in phpMyAdmin and the options are identified by the theme name. So to clear the database I should just delete all the associated entries? Thank-you for your time!
That table contains ALL of the options you have set for Zenphoto, so clearing them all will cause you problems.
I guess I'm missing something.
I deleted zpFocus_ v1.4.2.2 from my themes folder.
Then I deleted all entries associated with all versions of zpFocus in zp_options from my database. (Double checked).
Cleared my browser cache (Chrome).
Re-run setup and uploaded zpFocus_ v1.4.2.2.
It still would not display the random image in the left sidebar even though I set the options.
So, I repeated the process and used Michel Gagnon's suggestion with the same results.
The only other thing I can think of is that my original size images are only 200px and I do cache the full size image. The css to display the random images is {width:300px;height:300px;position:relative;display:none;}, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with this at all.
I made a test site using Zenphoto version [9980] (Official Build) and zpFocus_ v1.4.2.2 and still had the same issues. So I deleted that database and created a new one using a different table prefix and for some reason it works now on the test site.
If I re-run setup for my "real" site and change the table prefix will I loose my data?
Also, I would like the random images to be drawn from a single album. This is the current code:
if (($zpfocus_showrandom) == 'single') { $sscount=1; } else { $sscount=5; }
if ((in_context(ZP_ALBUM)) || (in_context(ZP_IMAGE))) { $sstype = 'album'; $ssalbum = $_zp_current_album->getFolder(); $sstitle = gettext('Random Album Image'); } else { $sstype = 'all'; $sstitle = gettext('Random Gallery Image'); }
What should I change to select images from a single album?
Thank-you. I appreciate your time!