I believe I've found a bug.
I want to use the full featured TinyMCE editor for the Album and Image admin panels.
I've switched the Options>Plugins>tiny_mce>Text Editor Configuration - Zenphoto to zenpage-default-full.js.php as I saw suggested elsewhere in the forums, but when I do that NO wysiwyg editor appears at all and only raw html is displayed (if there is existing content, otherwise it's blank). the only options that work are the two Zenphoto ones. the Zenpage options don't work.
Perhaps it's not meant to have the full editor on the Album and Image panels, but having it be a selectable option leads me to believe this is the intent.
I'm faced with the problem of trying to paste in formatted text. Tiny MCE has the nice Paste from Word feature that works very well for me. I have to develop a workaround if I can't do it on the Album and Image panels.
Thanks for investigating.
You would would have to make your own configuration for albums and images.
Please see:
Thanks for the instructions on the custom config.
The supplied scripts are lead with the place they were intended to be used.
Generally of course all TinyMCE things can be used for gallery items as well.