In my custom pages within the Zenpage theme, I have successfully added content and edited out the things I don't need.
However, when I try to link to any kind of image file, the image doesn't appear, although the alt text does. I have tried this with both JPG and PNG files - neither appear. The custom pages show this path: the broken image shows this path: image files are definitely there, in that folder. I have tried to change the location of the images to the same folder as the custom pages - same result.
Why do they not display? Is the problem in how the path to the images is specified?
What kind of images are those? Theme based? Zenphoto managed ones?
The images are not part of ZP, nor are they part of the theme. They're just one or two images per custom page that do not occur anywhere else, and are not in any ZP gallery or album.
To specify the image folder within any theme without having to use the entire long URL as path, the correct method is:
<img src="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot; ?>/images/myimage.jpg" />