Use album.php as default ZP top page?

I know how to do this manually, but is there another way from wihtin ZP to hide the display of the gallery page and have users by default go to the one album page on a site?

I have a site under development with just a single album of many images, so there is no need for a user to even see the gallery page.


  • The simplest would be to have the index page redirected to the album.
  • os07 Member
    That was my original plan.
  • os07 Member
    To change the ZP "landing" page from the original mysite/zenphoto/index.php, to the single album on my site, should the redirect go to mysite/zenphoto/nameofalbum ?

    This doesn't seem to work in a redirect set on the server...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    See the Zenpage theme's index.php how to include other pages. You also need to setup the album object environment. Look at the makeAlbumCurrent() function or use a header() redirect in the index page to redirect to the album page by url.

    Note that all tools of Zenphoto like sitemap or else will not care that you don't want to use the album page.
  • os07 Member
    To redirect to the album page by URL, which reference does ZP use - the internal name or the title?

    Thus, if I want to redirect to an album whose Title is "Home," but whose ZP internal name is "portfolio1", how should it be referred to in the redirect?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As explained on the other post, the name of course (its all the object model!).
  • os07 Member
    Of course, now I understand. Simple PHP header redirect - less work and nice and clear for anyone else who might work on the site in the future.

    Thanks for your assistance, as usual!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Br sure to use the right status code on the redirect so you don't hurt your ranking

    The same would be possible via a htaccess redirect but a little more complicated probably.
  • os07 Member
    Yes, I assume the 301 Moved Permanently is the right one here.
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