I am new to zenphotos and would like to know if and how I can assign albums to individual frontend users.
I'd like to have a private photo album website where users have to be registered before they can see any photo.
Each user needs to be released by the admin.
Any idea how to solve this?
Currently I only saw that I can set one single password for a album. So all users will have the same password. That's not what I was looking for. Each user shoud have its own access.
Hope you can help me out.
I made some progress but I still struggle on how to assign users to specific albums.
For example:
The registered user A should only be able to see album 1, album 3 but NOT 2 and 4.
How can I do that?
Right now all registered users see all albums.
Best regards,
>> For global privacy and local access permissions to apply, objects should only be allowed the state Album unpublished/ password-protected gallery. These are truely restricted to "logged in users". They require the appropriate credentials to access or see in menus.<<
But I can't find where to set the state 'Album unpublished/ password-protected gallery'. Could you let me know where I have to navigate to?
Thanks, Oliver
2. Publish state on each album directly naturally.
What I did:
1. Options > Gallery > Gallery type > private
2. Album > check box "published" not checked
3. Setup a user and assigned to usergroup "viewers".
It is true that this user needs to login with username and password to see all albums including those not published.
BUT - Let's assume I have 21 users
Users 1 to 10 are only allowed to view Album A.
And users 11 to 20 are allowed to view Album A and B.
User 21 is only allowed to see Album A and C.
That's what I was looking for. That's what I call an individual rights management. Is that really possible with zenphoto?
If not maybe this is a valuable point to enrich the features of zenphoto.
Best regards,