Scrambled HTML in Edit Page


I have been trying to get some clickable banners on my site this evening with no luck. The code gets turned into gibberish in ZenPhoto's "Edit Page" upon applying.

The code works elsewhere and the image exists.

Namely it inserts some random img class:

img class=" xbrbamdppsezecqqggva xbrbamdppsezecqqggva"

Img class xbrbamdppsezecqqggva xbrbamdppsezecqqggva is not exactly what I was going for in the original code...


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you are using the TinyMCE editor enabled by default you have to paste html code in the html code view windows. (even if not such weird classes are nowhere generated)
  • I am using TinyMCE and have tried pasting into the HTML code viewer with no successful result.

    I also tried disabling TinyMCE with similar lack of success.

    Essentially, anything I do leads to the code being mutated. It effects the img class every time without fail:

    <img class="aligncenter" becomes something like <img class="aligncenter xghnyszmhzbmvegakylq" .
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I cannot reproduce this with the nightly build. It it only appears on the front end try a standard theme as well.

    "xghnyszmhzbmvegakylq" looks really weird, make sure you have not been hacked or something.
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