First of all i have to say that ZenPhoto is one of the best photo gallery scripts out there and i've just found it today.
Unfortunately in my first try (locally) it couldnt upload any pictures with any extension (jpg, jpeg , gif), then i've installed it on my server and i thought it might work there but it didnt!
In the upload section it says (This web-based upload accepts the file formats: 3GP, BMP, FLA, FLV, GIF, JPEG, JPG, M4A, M4V, MOV, MP3, MP4, PNG, and ZIP.)
I've tried jQuery and Flash upload but none of them worked and ony http upload works for me , there is also nothing about it in the log section , any help would be greatly appreciated.
Im using mozilla firefox 3.6x and have the latest flash player , also jQuery uploader does not work .
1.JPEG 502.84 KB Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
(WebServer Version , Database Server Version , PHP version )
or phpinfo details would be appreciated.
I would really check for permissions.
You will either have to enable those or recompile the libary (GD or Imagick). I cannot tell you details as I am not a server expert .