My admin panel is showing all my photos albums categories but my friends are getting internal server error 500 and internal server error messages. I am not able to access the photos via the website. If I use a link to a photo it will show up. Not sure what's going on but I need the photo back on line. version 1.4.3 worked fine till this morning.
At least judging by that link there is no Zenphoto installation or else in that place. Sure you did install it in that place correctly?
Sorry, walking you through anyhting step by step exceeds the limits of this forum and free support. If you install software on your server you need to know a little what you are doing or take the time to learn a few things. At least you should get a little into how the tool in this case Zenphoto works and looks on your server. Webstuff is a little more complicated than it looks.
Infos about files and folders of a Zenphoto install here:
Again, you did not really post much we can help with. An internal server error is often related to a wrong or missing htaccess file. Running setup will tell you or you just look via FTP.
The second is an indication that the library is in a loop of some sort.
You should try to narrow down the problem to an image that is causing it.