lost all my photos

My admin panel is showing all my photos albums categories but my friends are getting internal server error 500 and internal server error messages. I am not able to access the photos via the website. If I use a link to a photo it will show up. Not sure what's going on but I need the photo back on line. version 1.4.3 worked fine till this morning. WC2scale.org/photos


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, so this is different from what you told on the ticket...

    At least judging by that link there is no Zenphoto installation or else in that place. Sure you did install it in that place correctly?
  • Everything was fine I now have some but not all my albums back/ missing a couple major albums not sure where they went admin panel says there's 33000 plus photos in 1194 albums but its not displaying on the site. I have not done a reinstall as I do not know where to find the root folder in my searching around.
  • I'm trying to refresh metadata and the cache is showing photo images in that part of the program
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So you can access the backend of Zenphoto then? Check the htaccess file or re-run setup. Info about installing you find on our installation page. Link on the download page.
  • yes I have the backend/ updating the precache all the photos are there but the albums aren't showing up anywhere? I did have them for a while/ most of them then they disappeared again?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, this is not normal behaviour. Albums don't disapear by themselves. Unless you find any error message else than internal server error which is mostly htaccess related, I cannot help you.
  • where do I find hta acccess I'm looking through information and seeing nothing you talk about folders you send me to another section. Now I'm not a techie but I do have some computer abilities.... I'm watching photos pop up in the precache under my titles so why can't I get the rest of the program to work? This site needto be up and running if I need someone to troubleshoot it I'm willing to allow someone inside the program to do so.
  • so If I have a backup from earlier this morning can I use that to go the newest version? Rather than troubleshoot I could upgrade? Is there a place on the site to walk me through that one step at a time in something less than techie talk please.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Before you upgrade you really should get the install working. About backups I did tell you a few things on the closed ticket. It really depends what kind of backup you have.

    Sorry, walking you through anyhting step by step exceeds the limits of this forum and free support. If you install software on your server you need to know a little what you are doing or take the time to learn a few things. At least you should get a little into how the tool in this case Zenphoto works and looks on your server. Webstuff is a little more complicated than it looks.

    Infos about files and folders of a Zenphoto install here:
  • Host Gator my web server says there is an issue in the index.php they want a look at it where do I go from there? Photos and albums are in the admin section seems the index has an error in it somewhere. /Bob
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    In any case you probably need to do a re-install of your current version. Downloadlinks to older versions on our download page. Info about how to install are on our installation page linked above.

    Again, you did not really post much we can help with. An internal server error is often related to a wrong or missing htaccess file. Running setup will tell you or you just look via FTP.
  • Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-zCkAbD7m' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/544' in /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/lib-Imagick.php:476 Stack trace: #0 /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/lib-Imagick.php(476): Imagick->pingimage('/home/neenah/pu...') #1 /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-image.php(300): zp_imageIPTC() #2 /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-image.php(136): _Image->updateMetaData('/home/neenah/pu...') #3 /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-image.php(42): _Image->_Image() #4 /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-gallery.php(575): newImage() #5 /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/admin-refresh-metadata.php(29): Gallery->garbageCollect(Object(Album), 'ac-238000-serie...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/lib-Imagick.php on line 476
  • Hopefully this is the issue.Bob
  • Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/lib-Imagick.php on line 476 I get this refreshing the cache Bob
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Quick guess: Your images are too big (Dimenions) for your server to be processed or the server is too slow. Please see the troubleshooting guide about that as I don't have the link at hand.
  • Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/neenah/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/class-image.php on line 42 another instance here
  • never been an issue before there are 41000 photos on the site
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, sorry, that is the only thing that comes to mind. It is not the number or the filesize that matters. Maybe you host changed something, an image could be corrupt or its metadata, I don't know.
  • All these errors indicate that Imagick cannot handle the image it is trying to deal with. The first seems to say that there is an image type (maybe internal format?) that it does not have a handler for.

    The second is an indication that the library is in a loop of some sort.

    You should try to narrow down the problem to an image that is causing it.
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