I've recently updated a zenphoto site to and whereas previously I had no Home link in the menu I now have both Home and Gallery with Home linking to the main domain and Gallery linking to domain/page/gallery. When I view an album it's at domain/album so this now seems rather messy instead of clean as it was before. I'm using the latest version of zpskeleton which I was thinking is the problem.
I tried zpGallerific and that doesn't have have Home in the menu but the Gallery title links to domain/page/gallery whilst the "Gallery" menu item links to the main domain.
So, is my problem theme related, update related or have I simply missed a setting somewhere?
Zenpage is the only standard theme worth testing because I'm using Zenpage plugin in the site but I think that theme is too different for me to compare. I can provide a link if someone is able to take a quick look as that might be all it takes for someone to tell me that it's now normal behaviour.
Btw, the efferescence+ and garland themes also support Zenpage.
Just to clarify, the way it is now if I click on page 2 of the gallery from the Home page the url is domain/page/2 but if I go via the Gallery menu item I get domain/page/gallery/2 so I effectively have 2 different urls for the same page. I used to just see Gallery and no Home page in the menu which was logical as Gallery was the home page.
Thanks if you can point me in the right direction even if I'm being an idiot and have missed something obvious.
But not to be obvious, the place to look is where those links are produced. Also consider the structure of your site. It would appear that you have set it up to have a custom Gallery index page but are not really making use of that feature.
I was thinking it had something to do with the Gallery options. On the Standard options section of the theme options admin page I see the Gallery index page link is set to gallery and it's not possible to click to get any options, that options pop-up menu doesn't function.
Thanks acrylian, I did post on gjr's forum yesterday with no reply yet and thought I'd try here too because I thought it could be a quick issue to solve.
After much testing gjr assumes that the following happened:
"1) At one time you had an unpublished "page" you were using for the home page, for testing or whatever.
2) Before changing that option back to "none" in theme options, the page was deleted.
3) Now when you view that option in the theme options it probably says no unpublished pages available or something.
4) However the theme option is still set to that deleted page, so when the theme cannot find it, it defaults to the gallery index.
Here is what you need to do to fix it:
1) Create a new page, keep it unpublished!
2) Goto theme options, select the unpublished page as your home page, click save/apply.
3) Now change that option back to "none", click save/apply
4) Your gallery should now operate as normal, and you can delete the fake page."
Great support from gjr