Backup problem


Im just trying out the ZenPhoto and it seems ideal for what our school needs.

But there is just a little problem. When I try to backup via FTP I get "Permission denied
" for folders in the root/album folder.

when I telnet to the server I saw that those folders are from the user "Apache". Great security :) but My user for the server ist't root.

Any idea how to backup the files(without root access)?
I dint find anywhere in the ZenPhoto GUI to do this.

thanks for help
& sorry for my bad English


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What server user is assigned if you upload via FTP is not Zenphoto related. This is a server configuration issue. You need to contact your host or your server admin if your school has such.
  • miharix Member
    Of course it cant manage local server users,
    but its seems that its doing something different when it it comes to folder creation.

    Because I can access using my user to other folders that other php applications like Wordpress have created. All were uploaded the same way as Zenphoto to the server via FTP under same user.
  • If Zenphoto cannot access files then the user id that zenphoto is being run under does not have the permissions needed to make the access. Why that is is really not something we can know--it is a server thing.
  • miharix Member
    I thing there is a little misunderstanding where exactly my problem is.

    The steps in short I performed where:

    1. login to my server using FTP under user A
    2. uploaded files to install ZenPhoto
    3. connected to the server using HTTP
    4. installed ZenPhoto -> no errors
    5. in ZenPhoto created a admin user created mytestalbum and uploaded some test photos -> works perfect no errors
    6. login to my server using FTP under user A
    7. Try to download all files of the ZenPhoto folder -> got "Permission denied" on all folders inside the "album" folder
    8. connect to my server using SSH under user A
    9. send comand "ls albums/mytestalbum/ -> got return "Permission denied"
    10. send command "stat albums/mytestalbum" -> got return "Access: (0750/drwxr-x---) Uid: ( / apache) Gid: ( / apache)"
  • No, sounds exactly like there is a different user for running the scripts with different permissions than your FTP user. That should not necessarily be surprising. The user that apache runs scripts under must somehow be configured, so it is entirely possible to configure it differently from your FTP user.

    So, files created by Zenphoto are owned by the user assigned to run scripts. Files created by FTP are owned by your FTP user.

    None of this is under the control of Zenphoto.
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