Movie (avi/mpg/mov/3gpp/mp4 etc) support?

Hi, i am an old user of Apache::Gallery, they had an realy good feature that they atleast show'ed a icon if there was an mpg/avi file in the directory, would this be possible to next release, it should realy not be that hard:)
Or, like take the first frame of the movie with an application (there is some in *nix) when browsing album's directory (when it create and cache thumbnail's).


  • I use the Video Support that La0c00n made. The movie clip is in FLV format. All i did is convert the mpg, avi, or 3gp to FLV so that i can play it.
  • If there's enough animo/request for a video add-on I can write one for avi, mpg etc...

    Let me know (developers also!) so that we don't write the code two times, because if it's almost developed I'm nog going to put time into it.

    @Lerra: I've already adjusted the code La0c00n made for .flv files for ZenPhoto 1.0.6 (download link here:

    If enough requests I'll make a page for it ;)
  • so can you use this plugin to play AVI files?
  • I just checked out the source and that does not seem to be the case. This only plays FLV files. The version included in the current community build SVN allows for .mov, .3gp and .flv
  • Thanks for the info!
    I like ZenPhoto a lot, because I am lazy, I just run an FTP sync and the website will be done. :) Converting my camera's AVIs to FLV isn't hard but don't know if I want to mess with it. But if ZenVideo could support AVI that would be extrememly cool!
  • Does anyone know of a AVI player that could be intergrated? I have been looking but not much out there. Thanks for any info...
  • Hmmm... Guess my AVI support may be an impossobility. Does anyone know of a AVI player at all for online viewing? Just curious, thanks...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Generally Quicktime plays many sorts of AVIs...but that is not really what you are looking for?
  • If you are looking for your viewers to be able to play AVI's in their browser I have never seen anything that forces it to load in there. You can manually set firefox and internet explorer to load it up in your own browser though. The best thing to do is conver them to flv.
  • Which application do you recommend for converting videofiles to FLV on a Mac?
  • hey thanks for the reply ait311!

    i would love just for it to show up as an icon in the album, then the user could download it or save it.. or like you said they could set up their browser to display it in their browser. Is there any way to do that? Thanks!


    I have like 100s of small clips captured on my digicam. I don't want to convert them all to flash nor do i want to convert them as I make them... perhaps i am just lazy, but that is why i like zen, just ftp sync my folder to online and everything is done for me! I guess i could write a script to convert my AVIs to flash but don't want to waste the hard drive space, thanks again everyone!
  • I am trying to figure this out for myself, see if i can do something. I was thinking about acknowledging that the AVI exists and let them download it. So I am trying to learn PHP. I set it up editing the code and now they play, but they download completely first, and then play, and there is no controls to play them again or anything, guess i got a lot of work here, or maybe it isn't possible. keep me posted if someone knows how to do this or if it can't be done..


    I also looked at on the fly conversion from AVI to flv and then use the flv viewer that would work for a ton of file formats.
  • Perhaps I am the only one interested in this... :)
    Does anyone know if there is a batch FLV converter that will convert folders of AVIs and put the FLV in the same folder as the AVI?
  • Allok Video to FLV converter can handle what you are asking for.
  • I tried that ALLOK converter.. It will batch convert but it will only convert them to a single output directory... Would be nice to convert them to the same folders as the exist.. I got 100 folders with 1000 avi files..
  • if you are talking about offline batch conversion you can use ffmpeg and a shell script.
  • Holly Member
    Hi all...For converting avi to flv on mac I use Macvide VideoFlash Converter.
  • ufo Member
    I also use Macvide tool...
  • I would really love to see AVIs supported by zenphoto. I know it was in gallery, but I find your software superior apart from that. Wouldn't it be possible just to embed the avi and leave the web browser to handle it?

    i.e. <embed src="video.avi" />
  • I don't want to play the file. I just want to provide a link to the avi/mpg/mov file. I don't want to invoke the player of the file except through a Download dialog box provided by the browser. I don't even want a thumbnail of the file. How do I make zenphoto show a link to the avi file in the directory so I can just download the file?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Place a link to the file within the album or image description field for example in the admin.
  • Just a quick reply on the video part of ZenPhoto.

    Personally I feel that video is only really possible/usable within ZenPhoto when one would be able to use a service like YouTube to store the videos. Leaving them on your own server would simply mean too much data to be transferred each time, and in case of lots of videos expensive in the end because of the money you would have to pay the provider for extra webspace and extra traffic.

    Why isn't it possible, next to uploading your own thumb for the video, to add a field in the admin where one can add a custom link to the video (instead of the automatic image-link). In that field one could copy and paste the YouTube code that is also used in weblog posts to display the videos.

    In my view (but I'm not a coder ;) ), in the image.php there should be a second block of code, handling the insertion of the YouTube link given in the admin pages, instead of inserting the jpeg image.

    All in all this would mean adding videos (actually only the link) manually, but what would be wrong with that?

    Just my thoughts on this... And now I can hear the programmers thinking 'You stupid ***, don't you know that's impossible?' :=)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually you can already do that. Let's say you want to have a special album with say 10 youtube videos. Just upload some random image (maybe just a numbered general one), then create a album theme (you know that feature?) that does not display images and assign it to that album. Now add the youtube links manually to the image description field in the admin.

    If you want a mixed album, you could use the custom field for example and add there "youtube", then add a if/else check on image.php to skip image display for youtube videos.
  • Interesting, interesting... :)
    No, I didn't know that feature yet, so I will look into that soon! It sounds like this could do exactly what I need/want. Thanks for the tip!
  • Wow - great. Never used this feature too.
  • Actually I am not familiar with that feature, can someone enlighten me? How do I create an album theme?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    A album theme is not a special theme, any theme can be used for that (of course you can set up special ones), it is just a feature that lets you assign another theme to an album. You can set the album theme on each album's edit page.
  • Can you explain in more detail how to accomplish this - what I want to do is simply embed a youtube video into a page either via the album facility or even zenpage.

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