I have a part of my site called 'Archive', which is a page that displays the subalbums of an 'Archive' album. This is my loop:
<?php set_context(ZP_INDEX); ?>
while (next_album()):
if ($_zp_current_album->getTitle() == 'Archive') :
$archive_subalbums = $_zp_current_album->getAlbums();
foreach ($archive_subalbums as $arch_sub) :
$subalbumobj = new Album($_zp_gallery, $arch_sub);
// get the data from the first code block
$getcodeblock = $subalbumobj->data['codeblock'];
$codeblock = unserialize($getcodeblock);
- ">
getAlbumLink(); ?>" title="View gallery for this model">
<?php $thumbnailobj = $subalbumobj->getAlbumThumbImage(); ?>
getCustomImage(null, 230, 154, 230, 154, null, null, "", "", true); ?>">
<?php if ($codeblock[1] == 'sold' || $subalbumobj->hasTag('sold')) { ?>/images/sold-tab.png"><?php } ?>
<?php endforeach; endif;
<?php set_context(ZP_ZENPAGE_PAGE); ?>
What's the best way to paginate between pages of these subalbums?
Also, can I set the number of subalbums to display on this page independently of the theme album/image settings?
If you need different layouts for certain albums look at the multiple_layouts plugin.
But can you override the number of subalbums to display per page?
Look at the database about the actual option name or with the (normally now deleted) setup scripts' `setup-option-defaults.php`