The simpler media website CMS
Installation information
Zenphoto version 1.4.3-BETA [10286] (Official build)
Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
?Current gallery theme: zpskeleton
PHP version: 5.4.3
Graphics support: PHP Imagick library 3.1.0RC2
ImageMagick 6.6.5-10 2010-11-26 Q16
supporting: 3fr, a, ai, art, arw, avs, b, bgr, bgra, bmp, bmp2, bmp3, brf, c, cal, cals, canvas, caption, cin, cip, clip, cmyk, cmyka, cr2, crw, cur, cut, dcm, dcr, dcx, dds, dng, dot, dpx, epdf, erf, fax, fits, fractal, fts, g, g3, gif, gif87, gradient, gray, group4, hald, histogram, hrz, icb, ico, icon, info, inline, ipl, isobrl, j2c, jng, jp2, jpc, jpeg, jpg, jpx, k, k25, kdc, label, m, map, mat, matte, miff, mng, mono, mpc, mrw, msl, msvg, mtv, mvg, nef, null, o, orf, otb, pal, palm, pam, pattern, pbm, pcd, pcds, pcl, pct, pcx, pdb, pdfa, pef, pes, pfm, pgm, pgx, picon, pict, pix, pjpeg, plasma, png, png24, png32, png8, pnm, ppm, preview, psb, psd, ptif, pwp, r, radial-gradient, raf, ras, rgb, rgba, rgbo, rla, rle, scr, sct, sfw, sgi, sr2, srf, stegano, sun, svg, svgz, tga, thumbnail, tiff, tiff64, tile, tim, uil, uyvy, vda, vicar, vid, viff, vst, wbmp, wpg, x, x3f, xbm, xc, xcf, xpm, xps, xv, xwd, y, ycbcr, ycbcra, yuv
PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
MySql version: 5.5.25
Database name: inthemdl
Table prefix: zp_
Spam filter: simple
CAPTCHA generator: zenphoto
65 active plugins:
65 active filters:
Each Zenphoto image is processed on a separate HTTP request to `i.php`. This is the nature of how Zenphoto works. Depending on your server's method of PHP deployment (e.g. `mod_php` vs. `fastcgi`, threaded vs. forked), this will determine how the server spawns processes/threads for processing images. Imagick's memory limit option directly exposes the corresponding ImageMagick resource limit option. The ImageMagick docs state that the limits are enforced for each ImageMagick instance, which I take to mean that it is per-process. So the given limit is for each individual image, not a cumulative resource, if I understand correctly.