Hi all,
Today I installed 1.4.3-BETA [10295]on my testserver. With this build the new searform reset is introduced. In my search options I enabled the Default search "new" option with the Redo search after on "0 minutes". When I do a search the searchform should be resetted, but the old search criteria stay's on.
For example: My testpictures called IMG_1001, IMG_1002 etc. , when I do a search with only IMG I get all pictures in the searchpage. When I do a new search IMG I get the this --> (((img) AND (img)) AND (img)).
The searchform does not reset, but when I remove the jquery.js in the header the searchform reset works.
This is tested with a fresh trunk [1.4.3-BETA [10295] with the default theme.
Is this a error or do I something wrong?
The behavior you describe is exactly what would be expected when you perform a search from the results of a prior search. You are searching within that result.
There is no telling what will go wrong if you remove the jQuery load in your header. So I cannot comment on that. But if you wish to "clear" the previous search results you should click on the `search options` icon and change the radio button from `within` to `new`. Of course you will not be able to do that if you have removed the javascript!
Indeed, the cache expiry has nothing to do with the search reset...my bad.
When I remove the jquery the radiobutton is not visible anymore, true. But in the search options tab (admin part) there is a default search "new" and a 'within" option. When I select "new" I still need to select "new" on the radio button, this is confusing. I thought that if I select "new" in the search option tab that the search would be "new" on default.
Now I select "new" in the search option tab, but on a search the "within" radio button is standard selected.