Change graphics to ImageMagick

Hey, I can't figure out how to switch the graphics from GD to IM. My host says that they support both, but I can't find anywhere in the options to switch them.

I also found no information in the user guide, so is there something I'm missing?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto does not support ImageMagick directly, you need the php wrapper extension Imagick 2.1.0 or newer.

    If you have that there is a checkbox on Options > Image.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Your server also needs to have the `Imagick` PHP extension enabled.
    Ask your host about that or you can check yourself if it's enabled with `phpinfo()` (see

    If everything is installed correctly Zenphoto detects that and only then an option will appear in Options -> Image to choose between GD and ImageMagick.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I should refresh before answering ;-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    But it's always fun ;-)
  • php wrapper extension Imagick? Is that a Zenphoto extention or something else? A quick look and I didn't see anything beginning in I or P...

    Also I checked the php info and just found GD, which is strange because Godaddy says that they have it, and provide instructions that doesn't seem to apply to anything in ZP I see.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Like GD, `Imagick` is a PHP extentsion that needs to be installed and enabled on the Go Daddy server.
    It is not a Zenphoto extension but it needs it to be able to work with ImageMagick.
    Note that `Imagick` is not he same as `ImageMagick`.

    Best you ask Go Daddy about it.
  • Ah I was under the impression that they were the same since searching Imagick gets ImageMagick.

    Aight, I'll check with them, thanks for the help!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Imagick is a kind of layer to use Imagemagick. There are also others but we only support Imagick. See here:
  • I cam across this thread and am having the same problem. I made sure my server has imagick installed and verified via phpinfo (imagick 3.01, PHP 5.3.13, ZenPhoto

    I would really like to switch from GD to imagick because I am having issues with GD removing the color profiles from the scaled down images. Everything seems to be in place, but the option to switch under Options->Image is not there. Do I need to reinstall ZenPhoto to get it to find imagick?

    Thanks to the team for developing ZenPhoto, it's changed the way I make websites!
  • Update .. I did a little test, by installing ZenPhoto in a subdirectory via simplescripts (I know it's bad, but quicker than uploading via FTP on my slow provider).

    The simplescripts test install with the older ZenPhoto DID have to option to enable imagick, so it IS supported by my server, just not appearing on my current install.

    PROBLEM SOLVED: Hope it helps others in the future: All I had to do was go into my cpanel PHP Configuration (via Bluehost) and change the PHP version from

    "PHP 5.3" to
    "PHP 5.3 (Single php.ini)"

    This basically makes all subdirectories use the main /public_html/php.ini file. Seems to do the trick for ZenPhoto. Before I had copied the php.ini from my main root to the subdirectory where ZenPhoto resided.

    PS - My zenphoto installation is on a subdirectory on my main host that is redirected to a separate domain I own.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, thanks, this seems to be quite server specific but surely of help for others.
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