Cannot change Image size in zpGalleriffic theme

I am using zpGalleriffic theme and in the Option->themes, I see that the "Image Size" textbox is grayed and I cannot change it. The default value is 595

I like the size of the image that appears while in slideshow and would like to change the normal image size to that as well.

Is there a place where I can change this default 595 to that the size thats displayed in slideshow.

Thanks - Shivam


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not familiar with the theme but you will probably have to modify the theme directly as it uses fixed sizes for layout reasons.
  • Acrylian, thanks for finding time to post. I am pretty new to zenphoto and am still figuring out how stuffs work.

    I tried a quick grep on the zpfalleriffic source code for '595' before posting this. Perhaps this value is dynamically calculated somewhere. Seems like I'll have to dig a little deeper.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should read the theming tutorial. All of gjr's themes are pretty advanced so you should have some basic knowledge first before changing them.
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