My recently upgraded zenphoto is giving the error 'the folder path is not allowed' when I try to upload images via the zenpage /tinymce image upload.
I also have a clean zenphoto version in a sub folder on the same server - where image upload is working fine.
As far as i can see all files are present and correct for
Setup seemed to pass/tick everything okay.
The only difference I can see is site root path ( the upgraded site) in the pop up window is Current Folder Path: ../../../../../uploaded/
and for the clean version installed in sub folder it is Current Folder Path: /Root Folder
Can anyone help guide me on what may have gone wrong.
Or do i need to do something different because the site is not in a sub folder?
PS>> It was a massive upgrade and this is the last thing i have to fix. All other errors had clear debugging..but I am really stuck on this one. ( BTW original site was 1.2.6)
The default path stated in the image upload browser is Current Folder Path: ../../../../../uploaded/
When I hit the pagination buttons within the image upload browser it refreshes the visible path to
Current Folder Path: root folder/
Then everything works!
This means I can upload images via the browser but only if I hit the pagination buttons first.
So ajaxfilemanager won't let me upload without first hitting pagination, also I can only access the sub folders if I use search , can anyone guide on fixing this?
Note folder permissions are 755 and the admin user has maximum permissions in admin.
thanks... can anyone guide on fixing this. Thanks!
Normally I suggest to my clients to upload images in an unpublished album to embed them via tinyZenpage as that is more convenient regarding sizing and such.
Update: I just tried locally with my 1.4.3 beta install ( will not be fixed anyway). Image upload did work for me both from the admin upload tab and from within tinyMCE:
Thanks so much for checking this and getting back to me.
I had already tried changing the /inc/config.base.php 1.4.2 and no joy. I can see in 1.4.3 paths have been altered (server path etc) and that is making sense to my frazzled brain..
That may work but I can't risk any problems with the beta version just now. (such a massive upgrade, I have taken too long already) I imagine it'd be messy to just upload 1.4.3 ajaxmanager as it talks to lots of other changes. So I think i will live with it...admin can still upload via the method you suggest and clicking on pagination at least. Thanks again !
PS>>> I think the block is something to do with getXSRFToken which is in the address on image browser frame load, then when pagination or search kicks in the token disappears. I am going to live with this but that might help someone else troubleshoot..
Btw, we run 1.4.3 beta on our own site and our quite customized site theme only required some minor changes to be updated. (of course we did test locally before uploading.)
I double checked all files with winmerge and all files are the same on my upgraded version (except of course for anything that relates to database and filepath /htaccess /robots - as it is a different directory)
The problem then ?? Maybe hosting and the fact it is at site root on a shared server...