Album/Image/Video Caption ***NOT SHOWN***

Hi, First of all, this piece of software is AWESOME!!!!!

What seems to be missing is the descriptions.

All my albums, images, audio files, videos have descriptions but NONE of them are displayed outside the admin GUI.

The only thing showing are the Titles but only on mouse-overs.

So when my users are browsing the albums they are guessing the content of the videos/images/audios.

Any help you can provide we'll be much much appreciated.

Also I can't set thumbnails of anything. Do I need to do a screen grab the re-size it and uploaded separately???

Plz Advice


  • Most likely this is a theme related issue not displaying the data.

    What theme are you using for the gallery?
  • It wasn't it.

    It was called "Effervescence+" but i just rotate the entire available albums and still the same issues.
  • All works correctly for me in Effervescence+. Descriptions are there.

    BTW, the title does actually show in the breadcrumbs, not just in the mouse-over.
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