Hi, I think I am very close to having a great site running with this theme and Zenpage. I just have one thing that I want to fix if possible.
The search window on the 'search/archives' page acts in a rather odd way!!! If you type a search term and hit search...all ok and you see the results. But then if you go to search on something else, the new search term is appended to the previous. Obviously it is designed to do this, but it is far from obvious as to what is going on and after a few goes, you finally see a minute button to 'clear' the seach terms! I see lots of people failing to pick this up and unable to search. Indeed your own search window on this page acts in a far different and far better way! Can I do something about this for zpGal? Otherwise I will have to insert a set of instructions beside the search window to explain the very cryptic way in which the search function works. Many thanks.
As to the Zenphoto search there are buttons to click on where you can disable that. You can also modify your theme's search.php to disable this alltogether. Please see:
$_zp_current_search->processed_search = '';
$_zp_current_search->words = '';
But this doesn't work. The code simply prints on the page. Should it have < and > or what might be missing please?
I just see that we of course have already the method to clear as mentioned in that topic. So place `$_zp_current_search->clearSearchWords()` before the search form.
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="centered">
<div id="archive-bar">
<div id="search-top">
<?php printSearchForm( '','searchform','',gettext('Search'),"$_zp_themeroot/images/drop.gif",null,null,"$_zp_themeroot/images/reset.gif" );?>
<div id="archive-bar">
<div id="search-top">
<?php printSearchForm( '','searchform','',gettext('Search'),"$_zp_th....
This just prints the code on the webpage. Nothing else.