Hi I just found another problem with static_html_cache...
When I am doing search, the page search is excluded from being cached but pages with images are cached...and they have next and previous links to images pages from search what is good for this situation but not good for later use in albums... Cached pages of images have links to images from search page....and
if the images pages are cached from albums they have links to next and previous images form album....and the problem occurs when they are called by search page because they have next and previous links to pages from album
I think there should be crated new images pages for images called from search page (with different url). That would solve the problem of search and html_cache.
Oh, really? That would be a bug indeed. We will try to reproduce that. It must be that way for a long time without anyone noticing it then …
Actually the search context is a different one so perhaps the cache plugin is missing a check for to disable the cache. (dynamic albums are also searches but they have their own url anyway).
That would naturally not a good idea even if only in search context. From a quick look the plugin indeed does not care about the search context. Got already an idea to workaround the issue but might take a while.
Hi I would like to present step by step guide to stop working of html_cache plugin
1. Install new zenphoto in new directory and database 2. Upload around 140 images to one album (images with geolocalization) 3. Turn on static_html_cache plugin Now it's working without problems 4. Turn on Google map plugin, zenphoto news plugin, zenphoto sendmail,zenpage plugin.
The cache will create files for any page as long as there are not still uncached images on those pages (html cache is not the same as image caching). If you have a lot images and set the album thumbnail to random or latest it might take a while until all images are picked and cached.
The cache also doesn't work sometimes it seems if you have default images for multimedia items instead of proper additional video thumbs.
The same counts for Zenpage news articles or pages. I cannot tell at the moment why GoogleMaps, which you reported might make a difference as that is all js. I can only assume that uncached images in the marker overlays might be the cause.
Dear Acrylian, I checked again with newest version of zenphoto and generally the google map plugin is braking the cache_html plugin and when the zpbase theme is on same album pages are not cached (when my all favourite plugins and options are turned on). So I understand it's complicated problem I hope it will be solved in the future. For now I funded workaround by using to installations of zenphoto. Thanks for help.
Did you try an official theme as wel, just in case zpBase is doing somethng differently interfering? Not that I know why the theme would matter but just to be sure?
Yes I tried official theme but gallery looks much nicer in zpbase.
Okay, but the point is that non official theme even if by one of us may do things differently. But as we know now that is not the issue.
Fretzl I was navigating many times at the same pages and html cache doesn't work
Navigating to the page will not help. You have to click on the marker as otherwise the thumb in its overlay is not cached and therefore disabling the cache as expected.
I would like to notice that I installed latest zenphoto 1.4.12 and html_cache plugin still doesn't work with google maps plugin. I checked on zenpgae theme.
When I am doing search, the page search is excluded from being cached but pages with images are cached...and they have next and previous links to images pages from search what is good for this situation but not good for later use in albums... Cached pages of images have links to images from search page....and
if the images pages are cached from albums they have links to next and previous images form album....and the problem occurs when they are called by search page because they have next and previous links to pages from album
I think there should be crated new images pages for images called from search page (with different url). That would solve the problem of search and html_cache.
Actually the search context is a different one so perhaps the cache plugin is missing a check for to disable the cache. (dynamic albums are also searches but they have their own url anyway).
1. Install new zenphoto in new directory and database
2. Upload around 140 images to one album (images with geolocalization)
3. Turn on static_html_cache plugin
Now it's working without problems
4. Turn on Google map plugin, zenphoto news plugin, zenphoto sendmail,zenpage plugin.
Static_html_cache now doesn't work
The cache also doesn't work sometimes it seems if you have default images for multimedia items instead of proper additional video thumbs.
The same counts for Zenpage news articles or pages. I cannot tell at the moment why GoogleMaps, which you reported might make a difference as that is all js. I can only assume that uncached images in the marker overlays might be the cause.
The thumbnails only show when you click a marker.
Once you have clicked a marker to show the thumbnail, the page will be cached on the next visit.
Fretzl I was navigating many times at the same pages and html cache doesn't work.
Ok thanks I will check this.
And when I will have same free time I will try to check my problems with html_cache more deeply and give you feedback.
I ask because the page source tells me it's 1.4.11
Admin > Cache manager > all sizes for GoogleMap (checkbox)